- Now in MS Visual C++ click on \"File\" then \"New...\", make sure you are on your \"Projects\" tab. You should now see an entry labeled as \"NeHe OpenGL Wizard\" in the list of projects. Click on the one you would like to create, give it a pro
- 一个坦克大战游戏的JAVA编程,实现了坦克大战的游戏过程。1P: o, p键转动炮塔, k,l键调节炮弹发射角度(以此来控制射程), j键开火, 键盘上下左右键控制方向。 2P: e, r键转动炮塔, f,g键调节炮弹发射角度, c键开火, w,s,a,d键控制方向-an impressive game JAVA programming, sees the realization of the game. 1P : o, p rotating turret keys, k, l keys
- While studying electronic engineering and computer science, I participated in a compiler workshop where we had to write our own programming language. To view and analyse the syntax tree for a given program, I wrote a custom drawn tree component those
- 代入法的启发示搜索 我的代码实现是:按照自然语言各字母出现频率的大小从高到低(已经有人作国统计分析了)先生成一张字母出现频率统计表(A)--------(e),(t,a,o,i,n,s,h,r),(d,l),(c,u,m,w,f,g,y,p,b),(v,k,j,x,q,z) ,再对密文字母计算频率,并按频率从高到低生成一张输入密文字母的统计表(B),通过两张表的对应关系,不断用A中的字母去替换B中的字母,搜索不成功时就回退,在这里回朔是一个关键。 -generation into a
- /* *可以本机单打,本机双打,联机双打 *用户一的键盘控制为:up= key_up down= key_down left = key_left right = key_right * pause = key_space reset = key_r *用户二的键盘控制为:up = w down = s left = a right = d * pause = 1 reset = 2 *@auther 张恩来 *@e-mail:zhang_elai@cvicse.com *联机双打时,请先建立服
- Java编写的,可以在你的手机上实现了“快艇”棋游戏,具有相当优秀的图像和声音效果,支持不小于176(W) x 188(H)大小的屏幕-written in Java, you can phone in realizing a "speedboat" chess game with superior graphics and sound effects, and support of not less than 176 (W) x 188 (H) in size screen
- 腾讯通rtx客户端二次开发示例。 本功能演示示例包括了几乎所有的SDK接口,参考本示例,可以方便快速地进行基于Web应用的RTX二次开发。 客户端的SDK接口主要分为四部分:1、登录部分,包括RTX号码登录、用户名登录、单点登录;2、查询用户 信息部分,包括查询用户的在线状态、查询用户的头像文件路径、查询用户的简单资料;3、发送消息部分, 包括向多人发送IM消息和向多人发送手机短消息;4、RTX标签部分,RTX标签可以集成在Web应用和Win32应用中, 实现随时随地感知用户的在线状态
- Java的wap push,整理了一下,用jsp,javabean实现,wap push of java
- 一个WAP浏览器源代码(JAVA的) 希望有人能用上。,A WAP browser source code (JAVA' s) hope that someone can be on.
- vrml浏览控制的图形界面设计,自动漫游,视点跳转,浏览控制方法的设计。对vrml三维用户界面的设计有很*价值。,vrml browser graphical interface designed to control, automatic roaming, Viewpoint Jump, browse the design of control methods. Vrml three-dimensional user interface for the design of great re
- 本系统是WEB模式的宾馆酒店管理系统(Jsp酒店管理系统Java酒店管理系统) 运行环境Tomact+JDK1.5 编程模式:Ajax+JSP+JavaBean+JavaServlet 后台数据库:MS-AccessMSSQL 系统主要完成的功能如下: A.前台管理 .预定房间 .预定退房 .开房操作(可根据工作人员录入的身份证号显示身份证发证地点支持二代生身证需要联上互联网) .换房操作 .交款操作 .销售商品 .赔偿管理 .退房操作
- 此为JAVA版 的仿压缩软件 压缩程度显著-JAVA version of this replica of the degree of compression software compression significantly
- java写的 魔兽世界 数据包头解密 需要登陆游戏 执行/W的密语宏多次 开始解密数据包 支持中英文客户端 能进官方游戏截取-java written in Baotou World of Warcraft data decryption landing game needs to implement/W macro language of Micronesia began repeatedly decrypt data packets in both English and Chinese
- 基于Lucene的Web站内信息搜索系统-Lucene-based Web site of the information search system
- Java 提供了语音API技术用于支持应用程序或W eb 页面中的人机语音交互, 其核心技术包括语音合成和语音识别。FreeTTS 是Java 语音合成技术的实现手段之一, 以创建电话号码朗读程序为例, 探讨了基于该技术的Java 语音API实现方法及相关问题。-API provides a Java technology used to support voice applications, or W eb page man-machine voice interaction, and its
- G.729编解码源程序,很难找的。有兴趣的看看。-G.729 codec source, it is difficult to find. Interested to see.
- hill cipher n/w security java program
- 也在找关于这方面的资料着~~我是有matlab程序,但是在Java里没法触发调用它~~ 付上matlab程序,有需要的自己拿吧。 function BinaryIntegerProg(f_file_name, A_file_name, b_file_name, Aeq_file_name, beq_file_name,write_file_name) f = load(f_file_name) A = load(A_file_name) b = load(b_file_
- (This is Java version) The eight queens puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so was originally proposed in 1848 by the chess player Max Bezzel, and over the years, many mathematicians, including Gauss, have wo
- tcp协议网络编程实现两台计算机之间的通信的java程序-network programming tcp protocol for communication between two computers java program