- 我自己用vc写的一个图像分割的程序,先用分水岭算法得到一个初始的分割结果,然后根据每个小块的颜色和形状进行合并,最后得到一个统计最优的分割结果。相关算法可以参阅下面的文章 Xiao Chen He, Nelson H. C. Yung, K.P. Chow, Francis Y.L. Chin, Ronald H. Y. Chung, K. Y. K. Wong, Kenneth S.H. Tsang, “Watershed Segmentation with Boundary Curvat
- 摘要:拐点是数字图像中的一个重要信息载体 提出一种新的拐点检测算法 该算法并非寻找连续空间中曲率的离散近似计算方法,而是源于离散曲线的外观特征,推导出离散曲线上拐点处k个点对间欧氏距离平方和局部最小这一重要性质。基于该性质,本算法首先利用Freeman链码的性质.过滤掉物体边界上明显不可能成为拐点的象素,然后在剩余的边界点中通过寻找该局部最小值定位出拐点。给出了本算法与四种著名拐点检测算法的对比实验。 -Abstract: The inflection point is a digital
- [K,H,P1,P2] = surfature(X,Y,Z) returns the gaussian curvature of a surface (K), mean curvature (H), and principal curvatures (P1,P2). The inputs (X,Y,Z) are 2D arrays corresponding to the surface being analyzed. Example [X,Y,Z] = peaks [K,
- 本文中在构造关键点的对应时定义了难度D,以反映这种选择的变形效果的优劣。计算难度D时, 引入了B样条和曲率K等数学工具, 使难度值D较合理, 变形效果平滑,程序量约5000 行C 源代码行, 在本文后面给出了实际运行的结果,并对算法的时间代价和适用范围进行了分析。-The key point in constructing this article, the corresponding definition of the degree of difficulty when the D, to r
- This function calculates the curvature of a 2D line. Reference£oS. Hermann and R. Klette. Multigrid analysis of curvature estimators. Proc. Image Vision Computing New Zealand, 108¨C112, 2003. by Jianfei Pang k = CurvatureEstimation(list
- 根据图像轮廓序列经过K曲率方法和各向异性扩散滤波器滤波得到角点-After the image sequence K contour curvature anisotropic diffusion filter filtering methods and get the corner
- 自写曲率计算函数 ,采用累计贡献率的方法,基于K均值的PSO聚类算法。- Since writing the curvature calculation function, The method of cumulative contribution rate K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO.
- Since writing the curvature calculation function, K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO, For beginners with a reference value.
- Since writing the curvature calculation function, Conducted through virtual array DOA estimation, K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO.