- It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based.-It provides a base of DICT web service (similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications
- DM9000的linux驱动源代码:Linux Base Driver for DM9008A adapter Version 1.0-DM9000 Linux driver source code : Driver for Linux Base DM9008A adapter Version 1 .0
- netkit-base-0.17.tar.gz linux嵌入式开发使用!-netkit-base-0.17.tar.gz Embedded linux development using!
- This file describes the Linux* Base Driver for the Intel(R) PRO/100 Family of Adapters. This driver supports 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels. This driver includes support for Itanium(R)2-based systems.-This file describes the Linux * Base Driver for the
- video motion detection of linux base
- Linux* Base Driver for the Attansic(R) L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter-Linux Driver for the Attansic (R) L1 G. igabit Ethernet Adapter
- motion detection on linux base
- Linux* Base Driver for the Intel(R) PRO/100 Family of Adapters
- busybox-1.14.2+wu-ftpd-2.6.2实现FTP和Telnet移植详解 平台:Ubuntu8.10 交叉编译器:arm-linux-gcc 3.41 文件系统工具:busybox-1.14.2 ftp移植软件:wu-ftpd-2.6.2 相关软件: bison-1.35. netkit-base-0.17 移植目标:arm2440开发板-busybox-1.14.2+ wu-ftpd-2.6.2 realization explain FTP
- 一个C语言编写的LINUX下的P2P软件,支持UDP-a linux base C p2p program, using UDP
libupnp-1.6.6 英特尔制定的UPnP SDK
- 原来由英特尔制定的UPnP SDK的,但现在英特尔不再支持它。 UPnP是一种网络协议,允许设备自动搜寻和设定。家居数字化DLNA组织正是的基于UPnP的。-Orginal develop by Intel upnp sdk ,but now intel no longer support it. The UPnP is a kind of network protocol allowing auto descovery and configuration between device. T
- 《Red Hat Linux 用户基础》,这本书是红帽学院官方指定教程,但是没有附答案。这个就是那本书的答案(官方的,绝对权威),希望能对学习linux的同学有帮助。- Red Hat Linux user base, This book is the designated official Red Hat Academy curriculum, but not attached to the answer. This is the answer to that book (official,
- base64编解码过程的实现,在vc6.0下测试通过,也可用天linux平台-the implement of base64 code,it can be used in linux or windows
- linux教程,特别适合linux初学者,这可是花钱才买到的东东哦-linux tutorial, linux is particularly suitable for beginners, this is only available to spend, oh Dongdong
- linux用户基础 开发设计参考学习文档linux user base development and design reference learning Document -linux user base development and design reference learning Document
- 本书详细地介绍了如何打造一个完整的嵌入式Linux 主要内容包括 Bootloader定制 Linux内核定制 LinuxRootfs定制 Linux守护进程定制 Linux设备驱动编程 Linux编程 实时 Linux 扩展等 同时本书结合PowerPC芯片 介绍了PowerPC芯片的基本结构 配置引导以及开发方法 本书的特点是注重实用 每篇内容都有具体的实例供参考 读者阅读了本书后 能够快速地在嵌入式PowerPC平台上运行起嵌入式Linux操作系统 开始系统的设计和研发本书可供Powe
- Linux基本系统实验,掌握Linux内核裁减,熟悉Linux 内核各配置项的含义,巩固ZLG/BOOT的使用方法-Linux base system experiment, the reduction of the Linux kernel, the Linux kernel configuration items are familiar with the meaning of the consolidation ZLG/BOOT to use
- LIUNX ubuntu 系统的学习基础,适合于初学者,讲述的很详细,-linux study based on ubutu ,it is good for the learner
- 介绍了linux中shell编程底层开发-The Linux kernel programming shell command set the Linux base development
Linux Kernel 核心中文手册
- 一个操作系统必须和作为它的基础的硬件系统紧密配合。操作系统需要使用一些只有硬件才能提供的功能。为了完整的了解 Linux ,你需要了解底层硬件的基础知识。本章对于现代 PC 的硬件进行了。 1975 年 1 月“ Popular Electronics ”杂志封面上印出了 Altair 8080 的图片,一场革命开始了。 Altair 8080 ,跟随早期的“ Star Trek epsode ”命名,只需要 $397 ,就可由个人电子爱好者自己组装。它拥有 Intel 8080