- *nix users should read README.unix VisualC users should read README.visualc Cygwin users should read README.cygwin PS: *nix stands for GNU/Linux, *BSD, SunOS/Solaris and perhaps some more.
- SDL Library Documentation. The SDL library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Win32 and BeOS using the various native high-performance media interfaces, (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-co
- 实现简单QQ的C源代码(for windows and UNIX),能在Cygwin环境的Windows下编译,还有Linux/BSD/AIX/Solaris等符合POSIX标准的UNIX下编译运行, 但是其中qqsniffer只能在linux下编译。 编译完代码后,说明如下 qqalive 挂机的程序 qqscan 暴力远程破解 qqsniffer 局域网QQ监视器 -achieve simple C source code (for windows
- Uniform random number generators by Agner Fog, 2001 - 2007 randomc.zip contains a C++ class library of uniform random number generators of good quality. The random number generators found in standard libraries are often of a poor quali
- his a short introduction how to use the El Beem library and API. This release supports two versions that can be built: - a standalone test program that runs a small fluid simulation - a command line executable, that can be used to run flu
复件 modp-driver-0.09
- linux核C语言写的MODBUS通讯 This is a Linux kernel driver (2.2.19+ 2.4+) for the Modicon SA85 ISA and PCI-85 cards. It is written in C and includes example shell scr ipts for administration, and an example client program. Development Status: 4 - Beta Intende
- ICS dhcp client/ server code. support Linux, bsd, .... Cross-platfrom, rich functionalities.
- Qwt 类库是对Qt 图形库的一种有益的扩展,主要是 为开发科学领域方面的软件提供实用的组件库。Qwt 包 括各种2D 图形显示组件及配套的控件,如刻度、旋转体、 罗盘、滑尺以及用于相应曲线显示的数据类等。Qwt 属 于SourceForge 下的一个类库项目,能够使用在各种平台 下,包括32 b MSWindows (95/ 98/ NT/ 2000/ XP) ,POS2 IX OS (Linux/ BSD/ Unix2like OSes) ,OSX等。它的发布 基
- A Flash Player with Actionscr ipt support. Write in C and C++. It have two part, one is Player and another is Actionscr ipt Library. Runs on Linux and *BSD. It s very rough now, it have long way to go. -A Flash Player with Actionscr ipt support. Writ
- ule v2是一个多平台的文件分享传输程序,为原xMule专案的一个分支程序。它主要连上eDonkey2000网络,支持Windows, Linux, BSD 与Mac OS平台,并可自行设定使用者介面、控制台与Web介面等功能。 -ule v2 is a multi-platform file sharing and transfer procedures, for the original xMule a branch of the ad hoc procedures. It is ma
- This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands
- 简单的说,Linux是Unix克隆(Unix clone)或Unix风格(Unix alike)的操作系统(OS),在原代码级上兼容绝大部分Unix标准(指的是IEEE POSIX,System V,BSD),是一个支持多用户, 多进程,多线程,实时性较好的功能 强大而稳定的操作系统.它可以运行在x86 PC,Sun Sparc,Digital Alpha,680x0,PowerPC, MIPS等平台上,可 以说Linux是目前运行硬件平台最多的操作系统-Simply put, Linu
- 《linux网络编程》,介绍了linux中进程管理,网络的基础知识,BSD socket,和TCP/TP应用等,是学习linux下网络编程的好书籍!-" Linux network programming" to introduce the linux in the process management, network basics, BSD socket, and TCP/TP applications, network programming under linux to
- RefDB是一个文献数据库和书目管理的软件,支持 SGML,XML和LaTeX的/ BibTeX等格式的工具。它允许用户通过网络共享数据库。这是可以通过命令行工具,Web界面,从文字编辑器(Emacs,Vim)来共享,程序员可以 使用 Perl和PHP库在自己的项目融入RefDB功能。 RefDB发布根据GNU通用公共许可证和Linux上运行时,* BSD系统,OS X操作系统,Solaris和Windows / Cygwin的。-RefDB is a bibliographic databas
- The Definition of Asterisk is described as follow: Asterisk is a complete PBX in software. It runs on Linux, BSD, Windows (emulated) and provides all of the features you would expect from a PBX and more. Asterisk does voice over IP in four protocol
- libdvbpsi是一个轻便的用来实现MPEG-2 TS流和DVB PSI表的解码和编码的开源库,可以解析的PSI/SI表有:PAT,PMT,NIT,BAT,CAT,SDT,SIS,EIT,TOT,所有的MPEG 2描述子,支持的平台有GNU/Linux, *BSD, Windows and MacOS X-libdvbpsi is a simple library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI table
- libevent 2 cmake版 libevent是一个事件触发的网络库,适用于windows、linux、bsd等多种平台,内部使用select、epoll、kqueue等系统调用管理事件机制。著名分布式缓存软件memcached也是libevent based,而且libevent在使用上可以做到跨平台,而且根据libevent官方网站上公布的数据统计,似乎也有着非凡的性能。-libevent is an event triggered by the network libra
- libevent是一个事件触发的网络库,适用于windows、linux、bsd等多种平台,内部使用select、epoll、kqueue等系统调用管理事件机制。著名分布式缓存软件memcached也是libevent based,而且libevent在使用上可以做到跨平台。-libevent is an event triggered by the network library for windows, linux, bsd and other platforms, the internal
- The cprops (C prototyping tools) library provides a portable, thread-safe C API including linked list, binary heap, priority queue, hash table, hash list, trie, AVL, Red-Black, and splay tree implementations, a thread pool and thread management fra
- ibevent是一个事件触发的网络库,适用于windows、linux、bsd等多种平台,内部使用select、epoll、kqueue等系统调用管理事件机制。-ibevent network library is triggered by an event, suitable for windows, linux, bsd multiple platforms, internal management event mechanism using select, epoll, kqueue sy