- 用MFC自绘制特性扩展网格列表控件-with MFC since mapping features expand Grid Control List
MFC 树形控件和列表控件的结合CtreeCtrl
- MFC 树形控件和列表控件的结合CtreeCtrl 和CListCtrl,MFC tree control and the combination of list control CtreeCtrl and CListCtrl
mciplayer 运用MFC自己编写的Mp3播放器
- 运用MFC自己编写的Mp3播放器,支持添加列表,暂停,播放功能-I have written to use MFC Mp3 player, support for add list, pause and play functions
Music MFC多功能音乐播放器
- MFC多功能音乐播放器,实现了,查找,搜歌,右键菜单,播放模式等多项功能,有记录歌曲列表功能,可供初学者学习参考.-MFC multi-function music player, to achieve, find, search song, right-click menu, playback mode and many other functions, record the song list features for beginners to learn reference.
- 网上找的非常基础的文章,测试发现当Single Expand property和Always Show Selection属性同时设置为TRUE时,Always Show Selection会失效,不知道这样的认识对不对?- MFC Tree controls are one of the useful controls to show a hierarchical view of items. They can show the folders list, any parent- child
- 课堂随机点名系统。MFC实现。要求能完全实现我们的点名程序已有的功能。即事先从教务处网站上下载某班的学生名单并存盘备用。你的程序能够以某种方式有选择性的加载某个班的存盘文件并把相应的学生信息读入内存,然后以随机的方式来查找某个学生的信息并把它显示出来以实现点名。-Classroom randomly named system. MFC implementation. Requirements to fully realize our program has been named function
- MFC列表控件CheckBox功能设计代码MFC list control function design code CheckBox -MFC list control function design code CheckBox
- MFC编辑列表框控件设计代码MFC edit list box control design code -MFC edit list box control design code
- MFC 下拉列表按钮控件设置代码MFC drop-down list button control setup code -MFC drop-down list button control setup code
- mfc基础编程,实现滑动条与滚动条的应用。对初学者很有帮助-mfc-based programming, slider and scroll bar applications. Very helpful for beginners
- Gybrid Tree-List MFC-based class!
- MFC list control 排序功能-sorting with the function MFC list control
- MFC中list控件的相关操作源码-source code related to operation of the control list
- wince MFC编程使用的comlist控件 ,非常实用-wince MFC programming using comlist control, very useful
- MFC-List-Control使用说明,可以很好的帮助学习MFC中List Control。-MFC-List-Control instructions for use, can be a good help in learning MFC List Control.
- mfc list control控件的使用,把它封装成了特定的类,方便移植和使用,编译环境vs2010-Use mfc list control control, encapsulates it became a particular class, portable convenience and use compiler environment vs2010
- 正常MFC的ListControl控件都是从上往下显示,这个是特殊加工过,可以实现从底向上显示。(The of ListControl is from down to up to show.)
- 实现list翻页。MFC控件,对ListControl实现翻页功能。 Test.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CTestApp application class. Test.cpp This is the m
- 通讯录,联系人查找,插入,删除,输入,保存等(Mail list Contacts, contacts search, insert, delete, input, save and so on)
VC-MFC CListCtr列表控件美化
- vc MFC 的window开发,列表控件的美化开发,界面非常漂亮。希望有所帮助(Window development of VC MFC, the beautification and development of list controls, the interface is very beautiful. Hope to help)