- Cheat Master 0.1 For DevHook with src, Real In-Game Search/Modify! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro ===== This is a prx mod written for DevHook 0.4+, which is used to search and m
- This demonstration shows how a ZigBee coordinator can be set up. This demo allows the Demonstration Board (PICDEM Z or Explorer 16) to act as either a \"Switching Load Controller\" (e.g. a light) or a \"Switching Remote Control\" (e.g. a switc
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- 这个ucos版本是用gnu重写的适合s3c2440,s3c2410开发板,在linux编译,用makefile组织,结构清晰,且修改了vivi使得且可用vivi加载ucos。,This version of ucos is rewrited with the gnu stardard for s3c2440, s3c2410 development board, it can be compiled in the linux with makefile struction, structure
G B=0时
- 对电力负荷优化程序 对于建摸很有好处,可以直接进行- Regarding constructs to the power load optimization procedure traces has the advantage very much, may directly carry on
- BPSK, AWGN environment load H, G matrix and simulation about Linear Block Code.
- 加载gif动画对象 产生对象后调用接口实现gif动画的加载-Load gif
- 在RichEdit中载入Gif动画,类似QQ表情-In the RichEdit load Gif animation, similar to the expression QQ
- INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING NSDCALC SOFTWARE Nsdcalc.m is a Matlab program for performing the image enhancement process described in the accompanying paper. Place the program in your work directory along with the demonstration data file grav.tx
- load 8051.dll load SUART xtal=11059200 mode com1 1200 assign com1 <sin >sout g,main ws TL0-load 8051.dll load SUART xtal=11059200 mode com1 1200 assign com1 <sin >sout g,main ws TL0
- 电力系统稳定性 G Load的模型Power system stability model G Load-Power system stability model G Load Power system stability model G Load
- The application reads picture-files in standard Windows BMP-format from a SD-Card and shows them on a 2.8" color-LCD-module (320*240 px). The following hard- and software has been used: DPF Hardware: STM32 Mini Board (STM32 "medium density") wit
- 数独游戏的MATLAB实现!还能帮助玩家完成数独游戏。- SUDOKUE play sudoku with MATLAB (aids for solving included) A guide on how sudoku works can be found e.g. on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku This program has a history-function, i.e. you can undo
- tcpcopy是一种应用请求复制(基于tcp的packets)工具,其应用领域较广,我们曾经应用于网易的广告投放系统,urs系统,nginx hmux协议开发等系统,避免了上线带来的很多问题。 总体说来,tcpcopy主要有如下功能: 1)分布式压力测试工具,利用在线数据,可以测试系统能够承受的压力大小(远比ab压力测试工具真实地多),也可以提前发现一些bug 2)对于后端的短连接,请求丢失率非常低(1/10万),可以应用于热备份 3)普通上线测试,可以发现新系统是否稳定,提前发现上线过程中会出
- tcpcopy是一种应用请求复制(基于tcp的packets)工具,其应用领域较广,我们曾经应用于网易的广告投放系统,urs系统,nginx hmux协议开发等系统,避免了上线带来的很多问题。 总体说来,tcpcopy主要有如下功能: 1)分布式压力测试工具,利用在线数据,可以测试系统能够承受的压力大小(远比ab压力测试工具真实地多),也可以提前发现一些bug 2)对于后端的短连接,请求丢失率非常低(1/10万),可以应用于热备份 3)普通上线测试,可以发现新系统是否稳定,提前发现上线过程中会出
- 一个关于Vehicle的小程序,带源码,测试可以执行。主要是一个类的继承的练习。-Vehicles Create a base class called Vehicle that has • the manufacturer’s name (type string), • number of cylinders in the engine (type int), and • owner (type Person, given below).
- 基于ad7190的高精度电子天平程序,采用电阻应变式称重传感器,500克砝码标定。重量直接通过LCD1602显示。-Ad7190-based high-precision electronic balance program, using resistance strain gauge load cell, 500 g weight calibration. Weight directly through the LCD1602 display.
- VC++6.0编写的CAD dxf文件直接转换为数控加工G代码程序。直接调入DXF文件,生成可用于数控加工的G代码。-Written by VC++6.0 CAD DXF files directly into G code program of CNC machining. Direct load DXF file generation, can be used for NC machining G code.
- David G.Lowe的SIFT算子 Matlab实现,运行前要把siftWin32文件放在Matlab的win目录下,具体调用请参照README- code for detecting and matching SIFT features David Lowe (lowe@cs.ubc.ca) Version 4, July 6
- 载入JPG图像并可选择分别提取图像中的R,G,B分量中的一种显示出来。-Load JPG images and can choose to extract the image of the R, G, B component of a kind of display.