- 二维功率谱密度计算程序 使用傅里叶变换 -2D PSD caculation estimator
- 二维傅里叶变换,对图像进行二维傅里叶变换处理-Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform The purpose of this project is to develop a 2-D FFT program "package" that will be used in several other projects that follow. Your implementation must have the capabilitie
- 2D FFT的源代码,图形显示变换结果,关键代码有详细注释-2D FFT source code
- This is the processing of images to be converted into 2D. from the original picture, it will be first converted to grayscale in the form, then do 2 Dimensional FFT on the image, then the image is done in 2D FFT on the result of changes filter.seluruh
- 二维情况下实现快速傅立叶变换,利用一维情况下的FFT实现-under 2D of the fast Fourier transform, using a dimension of the FFT
- 利用傅里叶变换,在频域上对两幅图像配准,是一种比较配准的新方法,但是对弹性配准的效果不是很好 需要进一步的研究。-Registers two images (2-D rigid translation) within a fraction of a pixel specified by the user. Instead of computing a zero-padded FFT (fast Fourier transform), this code uses selective upsamp
- 本实验要求开发一个2-D FFT程序包,使其可以应用于后续的几个实验。这个程序需要完成的功能是用因子(-1)^(x+y)乘以输入图像以实现滤波的中心变换,并还要求用一个实矩阵乘以一个复数矩阵通过调用两个图像的乘法程序来实现对应元素的相乘,同时计算反傅立叶变换,得到的结果乘以(-1)^(x+y)并取其实部最后计算频谱。实验中用到傅立叶变换的基本公式,通过实验我们可以更加深刻的理解频域滤波的基础。-The experiment calls for the development of a 2-D F
- Presently FFT usage in GPS receivers has been a topic of extensive study and many improved FFT-based acquisition methods with averaging correlation technique also have emerged. Although averaging arithmetic can reduce the instant processing p
- Presently FFT usage in GPS receivers has been a topic of extensive study and many improved FFT-based acquisition methods with averaging correlation technique also have emerged. Although averaging arithmetic can reduce the instant processing p
- How to apply the 2D FFT functions in Matlab 如何使用MATLAB中的FFT2对图像进行二维的FFT处理详细教程-How to apply the 2D FFT functions in Matlab 如何使用MATLAB中的FFT2对图像进行二维的FFT处理详细教程
- 这是一个简单的FFT为无电位1 +1 +1 Ð 薛定谔方程的光束传播方法。如果该软件灵活,允许引入的术语(如果是极少数需要包括色散效应高阶导数)。例如,如果一个人渴望解决的一个方程的形式: (四/ dz的+ Ð ^ 2/dx ^ 2 - 0.25 * Ð ^ 3/dx ^ 3)== 0 Ÿ 它可以解决使用以下代码: Ž = linspace(0,1,512) x = linspace(-5,5,1024) psi0 =进出口
- 一系列展示图像压缩技术的源代码。包括有:使用块截断编码的图像压缩(Block Truncation)、基于高斯金字塔变换的图像压缩(Gaussian Pyramids)、基于离散余弦变换对图像压缩(Discrete Cosine Transform)、基于奇异值分解(SVD)的图像压缩(Singular Value Decomposition)。给出的代码还可以用于2D图像噪声消除。-Image Compression A collection of simple routines
- Matlab动力系统和时间序列分析工具箱:这个工具箱用来分析动力系统和时间序列,它可以定制为:常微分方程、随机微分方程。所有分析的方法被封装在工具箱中,你可以通过命令行或GUI来调用。包含的功能: ODE常微分方程, SDE随机微分方程和map integration 分析时间序列,过滤、归一化/均衡化、直方图、2D直方图、ACF, MAI, FFT,最大lyapunov指数计算、模式识别。 动力系统分析:创建Poincare截面、分岔图、计算lyapunov指数。-The kit us
- Pass the Images Through Optics -- Use a Gaussian "Aperture Function" This code segement can use a measured aperture function just as easily - simply replace the next five lines by "load measured_aperture" where measured_aperture is the measur
- 自己編寫的matlab代碼,實現fft函數及ifft函數功能-I have written matlab code to achieve the original fft function and the ifft function
- 实现2D—fft的matlab程序 以二维时间序列为基-Achieve 2D-fft matlab program
- 基于matlab的数字图像的二维傅立叶变换(FFT)以及二维离散余弦DCT变换,提供里详细代码,.m文件-Matlab-based digital image two-dimensional Fourier transform (FFT) and two-dimensional discrete cosine transform DCT offers in detailed code,. M file
- the matlab code attached show how to Display magnitude and phase of 2D FFTs, invers FFT and switch magnitude and phase of 2D FFTs
- fft.matlab 程序,二维fft.matlab 程序(fft.matlab,2d.fft.matlab)
- MATLAB中的雷达目标生成和检测,调频连续波,FFT(用于范围检测的1D),FFT (2D for distance and speed detection),2d恒定火焰警报率(2D-CFAR)(Radar target generation and detection in MATLAB, FM continuous wave, FFT (1D for range detection), FFT (2D for distance and speed detection), 2d const