- 在linux环境下使用,一个开放源代码 C 语言内存错误检测工具。-environment in the use of Linux, an open-source C language memory error detection tool.
- 最近在UNIX下开发代码,用到了附件中检测内存泄露的代码。内存泄露检测是编写代码最难预防的,只能从养成好的编程习惯来减少。-Recently developed under the UNIX code, use the annex to memory leak detection code. Memory leak detection is the most difficult to write code to prevent, and can only develop good program
- linux下内存使用检查、泄漏检测工具等,可交叉编译,在arm平台中运行。-This is the set of files and directories for running the example code theat is part of the memory leak detection software. It consists of four directories. They are: dmalloc- files for building and
- 此代码为嵌入式开发中非常有用的几个功能模块 1。flash目录是对flash操作控制 2.ftpfs目录是ftp功能模块 3.i2c目录是i2c的驱动模块 4.memwatch是内存监测功能 5.setnet是网络设置功能 6.subtitle是媒体播放时*字幕解析功能。 7.usb是USB模块的自动挂载和卸载功能-This code is embedded in the development of a number of very useful function
- 用于在调试程序时对内存检测的函数,就是常用的memwatch-famous memory leak or overwrite detection program-memwatch.
- memwatch VC版,用于VC环境的内存泄露检测工具,具有所有源码。-memwatch VC version for VC environment in memory leak detection tool, with all the source code.
- memwatch cannot catch all wild pointer writes. It can catch those it could make itself due to your program trashing memwatch s internal data structures. It can catch, sort of, wild writes into No Mans Land buffers (see the header file fo
- 很实用的工具,可以在嵌入式系统中方便的检测内存泄露-A good tools to check the memory leak in the embedded system
- 最新版memwatch源码,可以直接移植到嵌入式平台,运行后自动生成log文件。(the last new version for memwatch for emembed linux used,only include the "memwatch.h" file in your C file.)