- TNT2简单留言本 v1.2 功能: 1.动态留言回复系统 2.删除、编辑、回复管理方便,并可查看留言者IP 3.后台可自由设置系统名称及页面meta标签-TNT2 simple message of the v1.2 features : 1. Dynamic voice response system 2. To delete, edit, reply to facilitate the management, who can view messages IP 3. Background s
- 很简单的图形编辑工具,1. 支持直线、矩形和椭圆三种基本图元,并且支持这些图元的组合图形; 2. 支持彩色填充和多种线型; 3. 具有文件的打开、保存、另存、退出功能; 4. 支持鼠标,键盘操作; 5. 具有选择、复制、镜像、旋转、删除等编辑功能,并且通过扩展机制(plugin)增加新功能; 6. 人机界面友好,帮助文件完整; 7. 设计文档齐备。 -very simple image edit tool,1,line, rectangle ,ellipse draw
- 通过TCP/IP网络传送MPEG数据和 可以显示Meta图形的类,还有一简单代码实现了图象的平移,旋转,镜像,转置,缩放等几何变换算法-through TCP / IP network to transmit MPEG data and graphics can show that the meta-category, there is a simple code the images translation, rotation, mirroring, transpose, geometri
- 本文首先介绍了元搜索引擎的特点和实现原理;并结合中文电子期刊的发展和应用现状,提出了应用中文期刊元搜索引擎的发展需要;文章最后建立了一个中文期刊元搜索引擎的设计模块,并对其系统结构和相关技术进行了论述。-This paper introduces the meta search engine features and Principle; Combining Chinese and the development of electronic journals and application st
- 对标准MIDI文件解析,解析头部,轨道,解析meta,sysex,midi消息-to standard MIDI parse, parse the head track and meta-analytic, sysex. midi news
- Boosting is a meta-learning approach that aims at combining an ensemble of weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost) implements this idea as a greedy search for a linear combination of classifiers by overweighting the
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- kddcup数据是所有集成学习人员一般使用的元数据,包括41维特征值,应用于linux系统,这个是经过修正后的数据集,kddcup that all master data is usually used to study meta-data, including the 41-dimensional feature value, applies to linux systems, this is the revised data set
- 元搜索引擎,能够集合各家搜索引擎的优势,将最合理的搜索结果,呈现给用户-Meta search engine, to collect together all the advantages of search engines, search results will be the most reasonable, presented to the user
- 我自己写的一个HTML5中的websocket服务端,希望对正在研究Websocket的朋友有所帮助。-I wrote a meta websocket of the service, and hopes to study is websocket friends help.
- 我自己写的一个HTML5中的websocket示例,希望对正在研究Websocket的朋友有所帮助。-I wrote a meta websocket example of, and hopes to study is websocket friends help.
- Parallel LBM in C++ In which, as a counterpoint to abstract virtual generic templated meta-programming, we present a concrete code to simulate on precisely two computational nodes using a 1D lattice Boltzmann model with omega = 1 the heating of one
- AdaBoost, Adaptive Boosting, is a well-known meta machine learning algorithm that was proposed by Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire. In this project there two main files 1. ADABOOST_tr.m 2. ADABOOST_te.m to traing and test a user-coded learnin
- 正则表达式由一些普通字符和一些元字符(metacharacters)组成。普通字符包括大小写的字母和数字,而元字符则具有特殊的含义.本程序用于将式子翻译成正则表达式.-Regular expression by a number of common characters and some meta characters (metacharacters) component. Ordinary characters, including upper and lower case letters a
- flash china mobile you can find flash name
- 将原始的h264码流封装成ts类型,以便在客户端接收码流时是一段一段的,部分损坏不影响整体。-The original package into a h264 ts stream type to the client when receiving a stream section, part of the damage does not affect the whole.
- Mt4 api document teaching how to use integration
- 通用数据库源代码读取开源项目,支持扩展数据库插件从而添加其他数据库的支持-Universal Database source code reads an open source project, supports the expansion of the plugin to add support for other s
- This file contains generic metaprogramming classes which are not specifically related to Eigen. \note In case you wonder, yes we re aware that Boost already provides all these features, we however don t want to add a dependency to Boost.
- 请勿上传和编程无关的文件 要求上传您自己觉得好的资料 本次上传日志:(Do not upload files unrelated to programming Ask to upload the information you feel good about yourself This log uploads:)