- Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容
SC 22
- The Small C compiler translates a subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under PC/MS-DOS 2.1 and later. Small C is compatible with the Microsoft and Small Mac assemblers. Small C takes full advantage of the ability of thes
- 微软的早期Dos操作系统的完整源代码.让你一窥究竟.-Microsoft's early Dos integrity of the operating system source code. Let you peek at what.
- DOS SOURCE CODE,DOS-C started in 1988 as an experiment in writing device drivers in C for Microsoft s MS-DOS.
Microsoft MS-DOS 6.0 完整源代码
- Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容。
- Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容-Microsoft the MS-DOS6.0 complete source code, including all external commands, the installation procedure, DOSSHELL and so on. Each source document include
- 基本上shell分两大类: 一:图形界面shell(Graphical User Interface shell 即 GUI shell) 例如:应用最为广泛的 Windows Explorer (微软的windows系列制作系统),还有也包括广为人知的 Linux shell,其中linux shell 包括 X windows manger (BlackBox和FluxBox),以及功能更强大的CDE、GNOME、KD、 XFCE。 二:命令行式 shell(Comm
- 公开部分本人早年原创软件(2/16):MS-DOS下的增强型并口(ECP)通讯软件(Microsoft 4位通讯软件Interlnk/Intersvr的8位版)。使用符合IEEE1284标准的增强型并行口(ECP)实现双机高速通讯:文件互传、管理等。用户编程界面基于Borland C++ 3.1/TurboVision 1.0但风格源于Symantec C++。软件支持多种联网电缆硬件。简单的8位并口联网线可以根据软件中的注释自制。有电路的直接联网电缆(DCC,支持Windows9X下的8位并口
- DOS - ç ,它的内核也是FreeDOS的内核。并在此基础上进行了一定的修改,使其更加实用。 FreeDOS的是项目设计 提供替代到MS - DOS,PC的DOS的和DR - DOS的自由 。-DOS-C started in 1988 as an experiment in writing device drivers in C for Microsoft s MS-DOS. Both block and character device drivers were
- A very simple BASIC interpreter. Quite compatible with Microsoft MBASIC (CP/M) and GWBASIC (MS-DOS).
- This document provides a comprehensive list of C++ URL pointers, links to C++ online textbooks, and programming tips on C++. This document also provides a C++ library which imitates Java− language, and which has various methods to avoid memory p
- 在微软公司推出Windows操作系统之前,绝大多数计算机使用基于字符界面的系统,如著名的MS-DOS系统,-In the Microsoft Windows operating system before the launch, most computer systems use character-based interface, such as the famous MS-DOS system,
- Running MS-DOS Version 6.22, 20th Anniversary Edition -Running MS-DOS Version 6.22, 20th Anniversary Edition Van Wolverton PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Press A Division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way , Redmond, Wash
- Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。 每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。-Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 complete source code, including all external commands, installer, DOSSHELL. Each source file includes a history of the development, update instructions, c
- DOS操作系统源代码 DOS-C started in 1988 as an experiment in writing device drivers in C for Microsoft s MS-DOS. Both block and character device drivers were written, along with special C data structures to match the MS-DOS request packet. -dos Sourc
- 微软Microsoft Word V1.1a的完整开发文档及源代码,采用C/C++和ASM实现,完整金山WPS,绝品大师级源代码,先驱的杰作,WINDOWS开发者研究必备。本代码及MS-DOS V1.1-V2.0源代码由潜龙(QQ:30101)倾情提供。-MS Word 1.1a (Microsoft Word for Windows Version 1.1a Source Code),MS-Word V1.1a Source Code
- Microsoft MS DOS SOURCE CODE. With the preview of a blue screen of death along with bells and whistles,
Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 [Virtual PC VHD]
- dos os for virtual m
- Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30 Source Code
- 微软DOS操作系统源码,值得学习和研究,,,,,,,,(microsoft dos operation system)