- 键盘鼠标驱动开发文档, 详细了说明LINUX环境下的编程
- Serial mouse driver for Linux
- 控制鼠标显示位置的小程序。在linux系统下测试成功。
- 一个linux usb gadget mouse driver. 可以将你的linux嵌入式产品当鼠标用.-A linux usb gadget mouse driver. Using this driver, you can make your embedded linux product become a mouse.
- 内有几个版本的VNC源代码,和VNC得协议分析, VNC(Virtual Network Computing),為一種使用RFB協定的螢幕畫面分享及遠端操作軟體。此軟體藉由網路,可傳送鍵盤與滑鼠的動作及即時的螢幕畫面。 VNC與作業系統無關,因此可跨平台使用,例如可用Windows連線到某Linux的電腦,反之亦同。甚至在沒有安裝用戶端程式的電腦中,只要有支援JAVA的瀏覽器,也可使用。-There are several versions of the VNC source co
- qq2440板子上,LINUX下鼠标驱动-qq2440 on board, LINUX mouse-driven
- host usb 主设备程序 支持sd卡 mouse keyboard 的最单单的驱动程序 gcc编译-the main host usb device supports sd card mouse keyboard alone most of the gcc compiler driver
- linux字符驱动源码,包括键盘,鼠标,pty,tty驱动等-linux-source-driven characters, including keyboard, mouse, pty, tty driver, such as
- This book is for someone who wants to quickly master the basics of how to install, run, and maintain Linux on an Intel-based personal computer. All of the tools you need are included. Your computer should have a monitor, or display, keyboard, mou
- 嵌入式Linux驱动程序设计从入门到精通,USB驱动架,Spcaview相关代码 输入形式的USB鼠标驱动,输入形式的触摸屏驱动等。-Embedded Linux driver from entry to the master design, USB-driven aircraft, Spcaview related code input forms of USB mouse driver, type the form, such as touch screen driver.
- 几个linux的驱动程序,包括button, led, usb ,lcd, mouse,sd卡等,希望对学习linux的朋友有帮助。-offer some linux drivers, can email me to discuss if necessary.
- Linux下Gtk开发的贪吃蛇游戏: 1. 可用鼠标或键盘操作移动蛇 2. 蛇会自动移动 3. 可暂停和重新开始 4. 积分并计时,给出积分计时比-Snake game with GTK in Linux: 1. Move snake by mouse or keyboard 2. Snake will automatically move 3. Can pause and re-start 4. The points and timing and the
- mouse driver in linux.
- XStroke是一个全屏幕的X Window系统识别程序。它捕获的指针设备,(如鼠标,手写笔,或触摸屏),识别笔画。-XStroke is a full-screen gesture recognition program for the X Window System. It captures gestures performed with a pointer device, (such as a mouse, a stylus, or a pen/tablet), recognizes th
- 在Linux下用codeblocks IDE中的wxwidgets编写的一个简单的小程序,功能:点击鼠标左键,会出现一个提示对话框!-In Linux, under the wxwidgets using codeblocks IDE written in a simple little procedure, function: Click the left mouse button, there will be a prompt dialog box!
- VNC, or Virtual Networked Computing, is a way of controlling a remote computer just as though you are sitting in front of it. In the Windows world it is also known as remote desktop but it s normally referred to as VNC in the Linux world. All tha
- 眼睛跟踪鼠标移动,就跟Linux里面的眼睛效果一样,画眼睛的算法不错。-Eye tracking mouse movement, just like the Linux effect inside the eye and draw the eyes of the algorithm is good.
- 用于linux的虚拟局!能够进一步操作鼠标和键盘,能够很好的利用linux的图形界面!-Virtual Office for linux! The mouse and keyboard to further action, to good use linux graphical interface!
- 定时锁键盘鼠标的小程序,用Bash和C写的,程序满简单,大家可以略读下自己修改,也可以很方便地直接使用。-A tool for lock the keyboard and mouse develped in linux with Bash and C. Help the people work or play PC long time to stop and have some rest timely.
- 这是个基于Linux操作系统和opengl的鼠标绘制源代码。-this is a source code of making a mouse, based on the platform of linux and using opengl.