- 某校60名学生的一次考试成绩如下: 某校60名学生的一次考试成绩如下: (93 75 83 93 91 85 84 82 77 76 77 95 94 89 91 88 86 83 96 81 79 97 78 75 67 69 68 84 83 81 75 66 85 70 94 84 83 82 80 78 74 73 76 70 86 76 90 89 71 66 86 73 80 94 79 78 77 63 53 55 1)计算均值、标准差、极差、偏度、峰度,画出直方图;
- Anderson-Darling test for assessing normality of a sample data
- ROYSTEST. Royston s Multivariate Normality Test. This file describe the Royston s multivariate normality test. ------------------------------------------------------------- Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls, K. Barba-Rojo, an
- Test whether the difference of two Sharpe ratios is statistically significant. No normality assumption needed, the bootstrap approach approximates the data-generating process.
- 生成正态性检验及界面,可进行完整的正态性检验-Normal test generation and interface, can be a complete test of normality
- 数据的正态检验和评估,原始样本贝叶斯分类并计算准确率;仿真生成1000个样本的贝叶斯分类及计算准确率;-Normality test and evaluate data, and calculate the original sample Bayesian classification accuracy simulation generated 1000 samples Bayesian classification and calculation accuracy
- D Agostino-Pearson s K2 test for assessing normality of data.
- SWTEST Shapiro-Wilk parametric hypothesis test of composite normality. [H, pValue, SWstatistic] = SWTEST(X, ALPHA, TAIL) performs the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine if the null hypothesis of composite normality is a reasonable assumption reg
- R语言的统计分析源代码包括:kw检验,正态性检验,方差齐次性检验,fredman检验等- Statistical analysis of R language source code, including: kw test of normality test and homogeneity of variance test, fredman inspection, etc
- Data.PS功能简介:本数据处理软件内置表格编辑器,可以方便的进行数据输入输出;可以进行常见的(a)数值计算,如求解线性方程组、非线性方程组、常微分方程组、多项式求根、傅里叶变换、傅里叶逆变换、线性规划求解、多元线性回归和多元非线性回归参数拟合(20参数)、插值、微分、积分、求逆矩阵、矩阵特征值和特征向量、行列式值;(b)统计分析,统计描述、频数分布、假设检验、正态分布检验、二项式分布检验、泊松分布检验、相关性分析、方差分析;(c)6Sigman工具,过程能力CPK计算、测量系统分析MSA、公