- 用C语言编写的在Simulink环境下对3相交流逆变器进行数值仿真的S函数源代码。该仿真源代码的一个独特之处就是:利用全新的数学模型能够对逆变器相间换流的动态过程进行仿真,这是目前其它同类模型中绝对没有的独特支出,可以用来精确仿真永磁无刷直流电机转矩的动态特性,执行效率很高。-C language in the Simulink environment for three-phase inverter for the numerical simulation letter S several s
- 发展历史 基本使用 模型介绍 数值仿真 高级分析 例题-basic historical development of the use of numerical simulation models of excellence senior Analysis
- PCA and PLS aims:to get some insight into the bilinear factor models Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, focusing on the mathematics and numerical aspects rather than how s and why s of data analysis
- These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressure
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- Computational Finance Using C and C# 使用 C 和 C# 計算財務 -Computational Finance Using C and C# “Think of Baxter and Rennie, add the pricing models from Wilmott and, to illustrate each model, Levy’s own Numerical Recipes in C and C#. Levy’s boo
- 算法大全 全书分30章及2附录(在MATLAB中实现)对常用数学算法进行汇总介绍。 主要包括:线性规划、非线性规划、动态规划、图与网络、排队论、对策论、层次分析法、插值与拟合、数据的统计描述和分析、方差分析、回归分析、微分方程建模、稳定状态模型、常微分方程解法、差分方程模型、马氏链模型、变分法模型、神经网络模型、偏微分方程的数值解、目标规划、模糊数值模型、现代优化算法、时间序列模型、存贮论、经济与金融的优化问题、生产与服务运作管理中的优化问题、灰色系统理论及其应用、多元分析、偏最小二乘回归以
- 本文介绍了开放腔的基本原理和数学计算软件MATLAB。从四种基本腔体 模型出发,给出了用MATLAB设计开放腔高频参数计算软件的一般过程和方法, 并开发了开放腔计算分析软件。利用这一软件对四种不同类型开放腔进行了数 值计算分析,并将结果与实验测试和其他文献的计算结果进行了比较。结果表 明,本文的分析计算结果与实验以及文献[1]的分析计算结果有较好的一致性, 而本文提供的用MATLAB进行开放腔高频参数计算的方法简单易用、方便可靠、 计算效率高,是工程设计分析的一种快捷实用的手段。-This ar
- 海洋数值计算方法和数值模式_朱建荣, 值得下载,-Numerical methods and numerical ocean models _ Zhu Jianrong, it is worth downloading
- The author, as part of an internship under the Joint Educational Opportunities for Minorities (JEOM) Program at Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), China Lake, California, has devised models and methods for the solution of certain
- 本文主要研究基于水平集方法的活动轮廓模型图像分割,在回顾活动轮廓模 型发展的基础上,介绍了曲线演化理论及其水平集方法,证明了水平集方法可以 有稳定的数值实现方式且其处理拓扑变化的自然性,进一步引出了变分水平集方 法。 本文介绍了两种不同的几何活动轮廓模型:基于梯度信息的李纯明模型以及 基于区域信息的 Chan-Vese 模型(C-V 模型)。在分析上述两模型的优缺点上,提 出了一种改进的 C-V 模型,改进模型引入了距离约束项,同时对基于区域的外部 能量项进行了改进,
- nasa有关线性运动学方程的资料,对于飞行动力学,及其相关的控制专业很有帮助。-A numerical technique has been developed a t Langley Research Center which generates l i n e a r perturbation models from nonlinear a i r c r a f t vehicle simulations. The technique is very general and can
- MP-LABS是一系列关于多相流数值模拟的工具。源码可以模拟二维准不可压缩两相流,并能容许大的密度变化率,使用的是周期边界条件。源码来源于互联网,使用请遵守内含协议。-MP-LABS is a suite of numerical simulation tools for multiphase ows based on the free energy Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The code allows for the simulation of
- 一个程序调用点图形例程为目的的可视化输出网格的气象数据集,主要由中尺度数值模式。它最初是设计用于sigma-coordinate-level输出从电源点(网格/ MM 5中尺度模式)-RIP (which stands for Read/Interpolate/Plot) is a Fortran program that invokes NCAR Graphics routines for the purpose of visualizing output from gridded meteo
- The numerical techniques include the finite element method, boundary element method, lattice Boltzmann method, cellular automata, molecular dynamics, etc. while the analytical solutions are obtained using the homogenization techniques and the represe
- 基于matlab的数字计算资料,既有程序也有案例,最新最全。-This book is a survey of the numerical methods that are common to undergraduate courses in Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology. The aim is to present sufficient methods to facilitate the numerical analysi
- netcdf、Fortran在数值模拟用的较多,数值模式大都基于PORTRAN,-netcdf, Fortran numerical simulation is used more, mostly based on numerical models PORTRAN,
- YADE是离散的数值模型,一个可扩展的开源框架,专注于离散单元法。这个计算部分是写在C + +采用灵活的对象模型,允许独立执行新算法和接口。Python是用于快速和简洁的场景构建,模拟控制,后处理调试。-Yade is an extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written i
- This is a collection of files for the solution of scalar linear elliptic PDEs with a standard multigrid method.
- 岩石试件三轴压缩试验的数值模拟模型,可以得到应力应变曲线图。文件为建模步骤,模型较大,无法上传,需要者可联系。(The stress-strain curve can be obtained by the numerical simulation model of triaxial compression test of rock specimens. The file is a modeling step. The model is large and can not be uploaded.