Camshift运动物体识别跟踪与控制鼠标-Camshift motion tracking and control of the mouse object recognition
去除彩色图像中的阴影,以便于图像分割,物体识别以及跟踪-To remove the shadow of color images in order to facilitate the image segmentation, object recognition and tracking
This library implements the KLT Tracking algorithm [2004] for Feature Tracking in Video useful in computer vision tasks like object recognition, image indexing, tracking and structure from motion. This implementation uses programmable Graphics Hardwa
人民邮电版图像处理源码,车牌识别,数字识别系统源代码,路线识别(机器人视觉),形态学处理,数字识别,字母识别,边缘检测,图像分割-Posts And Telecommunications News source version of image processing, license plate recognition, digital identification system source code, line identification (robot vision), morpholog
本翻译是直接根据 OpenCV Beta 4.0 版本的用户手册翻
<opencv_directory>/doc/ref/opencvref_cv.htm, 可
以从 SOURCEFORG 上面的 OpenCV 项目下载,也可以直
接从 阿须数码 中下载:
很好的动态物体识别和跟踪源码。可以利用摄像头也可以读取AVI文件-Very good dynamic object recognition and tracking of source code. Camera can be used to read AVI files can also be
一种snake算法实现轮廓跟踪,可用于图像分割、目标识别等图像处理相关领域。-Of a snake contour tracking algorithm can be used for image segmentation, object recognition and other image processing related fields.
一种基于纹理的Mean Shift目标跟踪算法Matlab源代码,论文<Robust Object Tracking using Joint Color-Texture Histogram>发表在2009年的International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artifical Intelligence.-Matlab Code for An Texture based Mean Shift Tracking Algroithm. The
运用Opencv视频图像处理库编写的离线签名识别,首先选取16个签名做训练样本,再对剩下的样本进行测试-The use of video image processing library Opencv prepared off-line signature recognition, first select the 16 signatures to do the training samples, and then the remaining samples for testing
采用 CAMSHIFT 算法快速跟踪和检测运动目标的 C/C++ 源代码,OPENCV BETA 4.0 版本在其 SAMPLE 中给出了这个例子。算法的简单描述如下-This application demonstrates a fast, simple color tracking algorithm that can be used to track faces, hands . The CAMSHIFT algorithm is a modification of the Meanshi
This method is used for tracking wavelet/optical flow-based
detection for automatic target recognition in the following paper:
Dessauer, M. and Dua S. “Wavelet-based optical flow object detection, motion estimation, and tracking on moving vehic
Pivoting Object Tracking System - This project implements an object recognition system,
where a camera tracks the position of an object. The camera
is mounted on an iRobot Create two-wheeled robot, which
rotates according to the control signal
KLT 光流法 GPU的实现,需要显卡,大家赶快下吧,保证高质量-This library implements the KLT Tracking algorithm [2004] for Feature Tracking in Video useful in computer vision tasks like object recognition, image indexing, tracking and structure from motion. This implementation
人体运动视觉分析主要包括运动目标检测、 运动 目标分类 、 人体运动跟踪、 人体行为识别与描述四个环
节 , 在多领域具有广阔的应用前景. 本文从上述四个方面综述了人体运动分析的研究现状, 对人体运动分析的热点
难点进行讨论 , 对可能的发展方向进行阐述和展望.-Visual analysis includes moving object detection,moving object classfication,human tracking and activity recogni
本程序完成了对运动图像的识别与跟踪功能,程序里自带了测试的图像-The program to complete the identification and tracking of moving images, the program comes with the test image
基于OPENCV的演示程序,能进行动态物体的识别与跟踪,里面有C的源代码,还有可执行文件,是初学者很好的例子。-Based on the OPENCV demo program, can be used for moving object recognition and tracking, which are C source code, and executable file, is a very good example for beginners.
基于opencv运动物体识别与跟踪的完整算法,进入主程序后须自己修改视频存放路径参数。-Complete algorithm based the opencv movement object recognition and tracking, into the main program have to modify the video storage path parameters.
C 实现对摄像头前特定单一颜色物体的识别与追踪(C implements the recognition and tracking of a single color object in front of the camera)
该资料中包含了《OpenCV By Example》中文版以及例程程序,该书的目录如下所示:
第1章 OpenCV的探险之旅;
第2章 OpenCV基础知识介绍;
第3章 图形用户界面和基本滤波;
第4章 深入研究直方图和滤波器;
第5章 自动光学检测、目标分割和检测;
第6章 学习目标分类;
第7章 识别人脸部分并覆盖面具;
第8章 视频监控、背景建模和形态学操作;
第9章 学习对象跟踪;
第10章 文本识别中的分割算法;
第11章 使用Tessera
智能监控平台的网站服务基于Flask开源框架,图像识别与信息提取功能则基于cv2和tensorflow等一系列相关的第三方库。以网页的形式进行人脸识别、目标检测、目标跟踪等,并且可以存储相关的操作记录、用户登录、管理员登录(Intelligent monitoring platform's website service is based on Flask open source framework, while image recognition and information extract