- GIS (Geographical Information System) is a computer support system that represents data using maps. It helps people access, display and analyse data that has geographic content and meaning. For those not familiar with GIS, it used to be a niche IT ma
- <p><strong>GIS (Geographical Information System) is a computer support system that represents data using maps. It helps people access, display and analyse data that has geographic content and meaning. For those not familiar with GIS, it u
- This bash scr ipt is used to find oc4j_socket_recvfull communication problems within Oracle OAS 10.1.3 (oc4j <-> apache)
- oracle表分析,analyze table tablename compute statistics for all indexes for all columns for table-analyze table tablename compute statistics for all indexes for all columns for table
- BSQL(SQL智能查询分析工具) BSQL是为数据库编程人员量身定做的一款SQL语句智能查询分析工具,这款SQL智能查询分析工具支持Oracle、SQLServer、MySQL、Access、Sybase和SQLAnywhere等多种数据库,能够有效帮助用户节约代码编写时间,并且有代码提示功能,为初学者提供了不少便利。 -Bsql (Intelligent SQL query and analysis tools) bsql is tailored to programmers to a S
- ORACLE的优化器共有3种: a. RULE (基于规则) b. COST (基于成本) c. CHOOSE (选择性) 设置缺省的优化器,可以通过对init.ora文件中OPTIMIZER_MODE参数的各种声明,如RULE,COST,CHOOSE,ALL_ROWS,FIRST_ROWS . 你当然也在SQL句级或是会话(session)级对其进行覆盖. 为了使用基于成本的优化器(CBO, Cost-Based Optimizer) , 你必须经常运行ana