- 甲骨文字体,很少见到。格式是微软的TTF格式,标准精度。-Oracle Truetype Font file of Chinese. Format in MS TTF, standard pricision.
- Author s words: "This book should be useful for anybody who uses MySQL, ranging from novices who want to use a database for personal reasons, to professional database and web developers. The book should also appeal to people who do not now use MyS
- We have many, many servers at my job. Enterprise applications like SQL Server, Oracle, etc., are installed in them by the system administrators. But when we (the developers) create a new application or a new component, we have to deploy the new assem
- 5、格式化分区 mkfs -t ext3 /dev/lvm_oracle/oracle 6、挂载分区到指定目录 mount /dev/lvm_oracle /oracle-5, format the partition mkfs-t ext3/dev/lvm_oracle/oracle 6, mount the partition to the specified directory mount/dev/lvm_oracle/oracle
- Toad是一个非常强大的工具,但体验它的前提是你要能够打开软件!-Toad is a very powefull tool for Oracle, but if you don t have a valid sn, you can not enjoy it!
- FAQ Oracle (PDF) : Cette F.A.Q. a été réalisée à partir des questions fréquemment posées sur le forum Oracle de www.developpez.com et de l expérience personnelle des auteurs. Elle pourra traiter de tout type de questions portant sur les techno
Oracle Berkeley DB
- Oracle Berkeley DB最先由加州大学伯克利分校为了移除受到AT&T限制的dbm代码,而从BSD 4.3到4.4时所改写的。经过将近二十年的衍化,目前Oracle Berkeley DB家族已经发展到包含4个独立产品线 – Berkeley DB、Berkeley DB Java 版、Berkeley DB XML和Mobile Server,被应用到行行业业,在全球有超过2亿的部署。
- The file is a C#/ADO.NET Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) code generator designed for MS SQL & Oracle databases. The code generator is developed entirely in Borland Delphi. It lets you define the fields in your database table and program will generat
- oracle数据库驱动文件,包括1.5和1.6两个版本,同时附上解决oracle数据库不能通过IP访问的方法-oracle driver contains jdk1.5、1.6 and can t connect through Ip
- 结构化程式设计语,通用于 mssql,my sql,oracle-Structured programming language, common to for mysql, my sql, oracle
- oracle 工具plsql 免oracle安装的工具,只需注册直接使用-developing tool of oracle don t need to setup,only register you can use it