- 利用傅里叶变换,在频域上对两幅图像配准,是一种比较配准的新方法,但是对弹性配准的效果不是很好 需要进一步的研究。-Registers two images (2-D rigid translation) within a fraction of a pixel specified by the user. Instead of computing a zero-padded FFT (fast Fourier transform), this code uses selective upsamp
- BACKPROJ uses the filtered or unfiltered backprojection algorithm to perform the inverse Radon transform. The filter is designed directly in the frequency domain and then multiplied by the FFT of the projections. The projections are zero-padded to a
- PADDEDSIZE Computes padded sizes useful for FFT-based filtering
- NDNANFILTER N维零相位数字滤波器,忽略NaN的。 短语法: [年,钨] = ndnanfilter(十,HWIN,女) 短输入: X - 有/无NaN的多维数据。 HWIN - 窗口的名称(默认情况下移动平均的Nd: rectwin )。 的F - 向量指定为每个维窗口半宽度。 短暂输出: Ÿ - 过滤/平滑X数据与零相移(如X!一样大小)。 W - N维是通过一种特殊的子函数生成的中心对称的窗口称为
- RESSTR = padString(STRING, PADDING, DELIMITER, LENGTH) M-function pads STRING with PADDING characters after each DELIMITER to achieve LENGTH. Default PADDING is space. If DELIMITER is omitted, '\n' is used. If no LENGTH is provided, padding is perfor
- RESSTR = padString(STRING, PADDING, DELIMITER, LENGTH) M-function pads STRING with PADDING characters after each DELIMITER to achieve LENGTH. Default PADDING is space. If DELIMITER is omitted, '\n' is used. If no LENGTH is provided, padding is perfor