- Learn how to build a custom Linux® distribution to use in an embedded environment, in this case to drive a Technologic Systems TS-7800 single-board computer. In this tutorial, you learn about cross-compiling, the boot loader, file systems, the
- pdf文件解析,可解析pdf的文本、图像等,可转换输出html,txt,及图像格式,中文包-pdf file parsing, can be resolved pdf text, images, etc, can be converted output html, txt, and image format, the Chinese package
- DM642 接硬盘的方案,利用FPGA作FIFO缓冲,达到数据/图像/视频的实时高速写入。-DM642 access the hard disk of the program, the use of FPGA for FIFO buffer to data/images/video real-time high-speed write.
- BarcodeX.NET is a .NET WinForms component and ASP.NET server control designed to create almost any type of industrial barcode in your applications and web sites. Features * 100 C# managed code * Available to .NET framework 2.0, 3.0 and
- 核磁共振原理,电子书,很难找的。搞医学图像的看看。-Nuclear magnetic resonance theory, e-books, it is difficult to find. Engage in medical images of the look.
- PDFSHARP pdf processign library. use it to create, add/extract pages and images from PDF. append and combine as well.-PDFSHARP pdf processign library. use it to create, add/extract pages and images from PDF. append and combine as well.
- 计算机视觉经典图书,矢量pdf,非扫描版。CV及PR领域必看大作!-An Invitation to 3-D Vision From Images to Models
- Classifier pdf. Its can be used to learn what is classifier, hoe it can be applied to images.
- Classifier pdf. Its can be used to learn what is classifier, hoe it can be applied to images.
- This is an application to easily edit PDF documents, add text images and other stuff on the fly.
- 提出的算法可以解决在嵌入式系统上显示含有文本和图像的PDF 文件的要求。该算法先将PDF 文件分解成图像和文本两部分,然 后依照原文件的显示格式将分解出来的元素合成一种新的格式文件,最终实现将PC 机上的PDF 格式文件转化为适合在嵌入式系统上正确显示的格式。该算法缩减了文件的大小,使之适应于嵌入式系统有限的硬件资源,也扩大了嵌入式系统的文件来源。-The proposed algorithm can solve embedded system with text and images di
- In this a DFT based Digital Image Watermarking Scheme is developed. Digital image watermarking is a technology for imperceptibly embedding various types of information into an image. The biggest challenge for image watermarking is manipulations and d
- Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of
- 《Visual C++ 实践与提高-图形图像编程篇》,本书将向读者讲述如何用Visual C++进行图形图像编程。本书共分为图形篇、图像篇、综合提高篇。图形篇以计算机绘图的基础知识为铺垫,介绍了各种图形元素的绘制方法,并结合实际代码实现了一个小型的绘图系统;图像篇通过实例向读者介绍了不同格式图像的处理方法,并给出了一些特效处理的技巧;综合提高篇综合应用了图形图像的知识,包括图形图像文件格式之间的转换、打印和打印预览、使用OpenGL和DirectX进行图形图像处理等内容。-" Visua
- 一个对PDF文件进行操作的第三方dll,该dll可以完美的创建各种格式的PDF,包括基本演示PDF文件的创建,文本的写入,插入图片,插入自定义图形,创建表格,文件加密,甚至创建样式表,交互式表单,分页计数等,支持自定义中文。该文件为完美使用版本,完全可以满足用户的一般开发需求。-A PDF file of the operation of the third-party dll, the dll can be perfect to create a variety of formats PDF,
- pdf to jpg convertor
- 一个多格式的文本图片阅读器,支持xml、zip、pdf、Images.采用MVVM框架编写,本人下载的本是一个程序,通过解析,用户可以通过反编译器,获得其内部程序设计源码,可以帮助学习使用wpf的读者练习采用MVVM模式设计桌面程序。-• Better user interface and design: Ribbon... • Multiple format support and conversion: Images, PDF, XPS, CBR/RAR, CBZ/Z
- IEMaker源码, IEMaker是一款简单易用的视频课件制作工具软件。IEMaker可轻松为您的多种格式文档,例如:office、PDF、图片等素材配上视频语音讲解,并在互联网或您的企业内部网上发布。-IEMaker is easy to use,a video frequency courseware makes software. IEMaker makes it easy for you to add video, audio, and other content to you
- HTML & CSS covers structure, text, links, images, tables, forms, useful options, adding style with CSS, fonts, colors, thinking in boxes, styling lists and tables, layouts, grids, and even SEO, Google analytics, ftp, and HTML5. Javascr ipt &
- How to get good feature descr iptors to represent the VHR images for scene classification is still a critical task for VHR image scene understanding.