php_scre 开源的PHP文件加密程序
- php_scre 开源的PHP文件加密程序。官方只提供LINUX版本的,在这里我提供一个WINDOWS版本的,里面带有项目文件,可以直接用VC编译。,php_scre open-source PHP file encryption program. LINUX version of the official only, and in here I offer a WINDOWS version, which with the project file, you can directly comp
- 通过PHP读出数据库的记录内容,绘制一个flash的拓扑图,支持节点拖动,收放子节点等,PHP读出数据Treasury through the records of the contents of a flash map of the topology map, support for drag nodes, child nodes, such as folding
- 一个小巧的PHP+mysql的留言板源码,非常简练美观,A compact PHP+ Mysql message board source code is very concise and beautiful
- php最近越来越好用了,这是一个用php 和 mysql做的网上商店系统eshop-php technology is more and more popular .this is a Internet Shopping System which is called eshop, programmed by php and mysql, with source code
- 这是在暑假和几个同学,用php+mysql开发的问卷调查系统。-This is the summer and a few students developed using php+ mysql survey system.
- php crypt an s to facilitate the creation of dynamic graph and give a professional look to your web page
- php开发实例完全剖析,可作为毕业设计参考-php development of examples of complete analysis can be used as a reference design graduate
- 提供了450个应用PHP进行网站开发的实例,包括:CSS与JAVA脚本的应用、PHP与MYSQL的数据库技术、网络通信、PHP的高级应用等,绝大多数实例都体现了PHP开发人员在实际项目中总结出的经验技巧。-450 application to provide a PHP example for web site development, including: CSS and JAVA application scr ipt, PHP and MYSQL database technology,
- PHP编写的用户登录 注册程序 通过MYSQL数据验证 密码修改等功能-Requirements - MySQL 3.x or later - PHP 4+ with GD Library - Apache Server - Linux How to Install 1. First create a mysql database (say phplogin) for a particular user name (say guest) and pass
- 在windows下面安装apache+mysql+php,很实用的step by step教程。-Windows installed in the following apache+ mysql+ php, a very practical step by step tutorial.
- PHP Bulk SMS scr ipt. A Bulk SMS PHP scr ipt to send SMS.
- php-Unicode 轉換 this A number of minor inconveniences-2008-08-26- v0.1.2 * This release resolves an issue with Unicode_String::ToLower(). A number of minor inconveniences (such as errors in the documentation) were also fixed. All unquot
- PHP是一种新型的CGI程序编写语言,易学易用,运行速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功能强大,运行速度快,并可同时运行于 Windows、Unix、Linux平台的Web后台程序,内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies操作、邮件收发、动态GIF生成等功能,PHP 直接为很多数据库提供原本的连接,包括Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、Mysql、Informix、Dbase、Solid、 Access等,完全支持ODBC接口,用户更换平台时,无需变换PHP代码,可即拿即用. -PH
- 一种新型的CGI程序编写语言,易学易用,运行速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功能强大,运行速度快,并可同时运行于Windows、Unix、Linux 平台的Web后台程序,内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies 操作、邮件收发、 动态GIF生成等功能,PHP3直接为很多数据库提供原本的连接,包括Oracle,Sybase,Postgres,Mysql,Informix,Dbase,Solid, Access 等 ,完全支持ODBC接口,用户更换平台时,无需变换PHP3代码,可即拿即用。Php3
- 亿网旅游网站管理系统是由PHP+MYSQL架设的网站,后台编辑器使用FCKeditor编辑器 。 管理功能: 1、旅游线路分类详细、后台添加线路、在线预订。 2、酒店按各地划分,后台直接添加,提供在线预订功能。 3、景点介绍、当地风俗民情后台添加完成。 4、在线留言 后台管理留言信息。 5、新闻发布 在线发布新闻,后台管理新闻内容。 6、旅游服务。。。等等!!!自己去发现。 演示地址:http://demo.ewliao.cn/lvyou/
- 一个非常好用的php验证码生成程序,php securimage,开源的,调用非常方便,而且功能丰富,支持朗读验证码。-A very useful code generation process validation php, php securimage, open source, called a very convenient and feature-rich, supporting reading verification code.
- AES 加密解密 AES implementation in PHP (c) Chris Veness 2005-2008.-AES implementation in PHP (c) Chris Veness 2005-2008. Right of free use is commercial or non-commercial use. No warranty of any form is offered.
- here comparison between php and asp.ent discussed
- php脚本语言实现,php-sip是一个使用php实现的,一个简单的SIP用户代理程序,仅供学习参考,初学者不错的参考例子程序-php scr ipting language , php-sip is a php , a simple SIP user agent , only to learn the reference beginners good reference example program
- php-sip是一个使用php实现的,一个简单的SIP用户代理程序,仅供学习参考-php-sip a php , a simple SIP user agent , only to learn reference