- Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID Support blind transfer, single-step transfer/conference, consultation transfer/conference, hold, unhold. Control of the local phone handset
- 语音信号的录音、读入、放音等:利用函数wavread对语音信号进行采样,记住采样频率和采样点数,给出以下语音的波形图(2.wav),wavread的用法参见mablab帮助文件。利用wavplay或soundview放音。也可以利用wavrecord自己录制一段语音,并进行以上操作(需要话筒)。-Speech signal recording, reading, playback, etc.: the voice signal using the function wavread samplin
- 百科融创DSP实验箱(DSP_III)基于aic23麦克风录音实验源代码-Wikipedia DSP financial record experimental box (DSP_III) experiment based on the source code aic23 microphone
- 该语音聊天录音软件在运行时没有任何窗口,只有通过您设置的热键并输入正确的密码才可以调出设置窗 口。该软件可以自动录制所有通过声卡和麦克风发出的任何声音,包括来自互联网、音频 CD 、语音聊天 和IP电话、游戏等所有的声音。-Recording the voice chat software in the run-time there is no window, only through a hotkey you set and enter the correct password before
- 一个从话筒采集声音进行压缩编码后再解压播放的源程序.-Acquisition of a voice from the microphone after compression decompression broadcast source.
- Samples\AsfCreate --- -- Creates an Asf or WMV file from a collection of bitmaps Samples\AsfNet -------------------- Sends the output of DirectShow capture graphs to a network port to be read by Windows Media Player Samples
- 录音音频,用来从话筒去录制音频。比较不错-Recording audio, used to record audio from the microphone. Comparison of good
- 一个录音实例程序,可以录制麦克风输入的音频,保存成文件-Examples of a recording process, can record the microphone input of audio, document preservation
- TRec is a software to record telephone conversation by means microphone input of PC sound card. It support voice level input detector and threshold level. When running, the software always check the level of microphone input level. If the lev
- 本程序是自己写的包括,文本的网络传输以及语音的麦克风录制及其声音回放。-This program is written in, including their own, the text of the network transmission, as well as a microphone to record voice and sound playback.
- Decoding the signal from magnetic stripe card or ticket using just a simple magnetic head connected to a microphone jack. Recording an audio WAVE file, and then this information can be decoded by the 2 programs included. First program dab.c deco
- Compared to my previous tutorial on recording voice using SAPI, this application records your voice through a microphone and saves it to a temporary file after you speak for 10 seconds. Just wait for my next tutorial which will record your voice
- 一个ActiveX控件,功能是可以将本地麦克风录到的数据从本地耳机里播放出来。加上SOCKET后可以实现局域网语音对讲。-An ActiveX control function is a local microphone to record the data from the local playing on headphones. SOCKET LAN can be achieved with voice intercom after.
- 一款简单的录音机,可以实现麦克风和电脑内录,很简单,delphi做的-A simple tape recorder, microphone and computer can record, is very simple, delphi do
- 该库集成了所有支持格式(mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm )的编码解码器。库本身是由WINAPI编写,你无须额外的库,也不需要MFC / .NET的支持,只能在Windows下运行。 库直接对声卡播放音乐,简单容易。仅仅3行代码(创建类,打开文件,开始播放),你就可以播放音乐。 使用所支持的编码器,你也同样可以直接从声卡上录制声音(microphone, line-in, CD, ...)和把录制的声
- 可以录制系统/麦克风的声音,可以回放.带有时间进度.-this code can be used to record sound that is from the syestem or microphone.
- 库集成了所有支持格式(mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm )的编码解码器。库本身是由WINAPI编写,你无须额外的库,也不需要MFC / .NET的支持,只能在Windows下运行。 库直接对声卡播放音乐,简单容易。仅仅3行代码(创建类,打开文件,开始播放),你就可以播放音乐。 使用所支持的编码器,你也同样可以直接从声卡上录制声音(microphone, line-in, CD, ...)和把录制的声音保存
- 此软件能够进行录制麦克风的音量从而实现对视输入声音的控制!-This software is able to record microphone volume in order to achieve the sound depending on the input control!
- vc实现麦克风录音,实时波形显示,适合初学者学习-vc achieve microphone recording, real-time waveform display, suitable for beginners to learn
- record audio from microphone and analyze