- rsa encryption in java
- 用RSA公匙加密,该密文可以被JAVA用RSA密匙解密。-test to encrypt plain text by RSA key, please be noted to reverse the byte array after encrypt, or otherwise the cipher can not be decrypt by java.
- 通过j2se编程实现1024位RSA加密算法,内部含有明文密文再到明文的检测测试可以快速生成密钥对-Pass the j2se plait distance realization 1024 RSA to encrypt calculate way, inner part imply a clear statement secret content again arrive clear statement of examination test can fast born and airtigh
- 通过java jdk6所提供的api设计的一个通信过程的加密与解密。其中有两个十分常用的算法:des+rsa-Provided by java jdk6 api design of a communication process of encryption and decryption. Two very commonly used algorithms: des+ rsa
- this a RSA encrypt and decrypt program using java-this is a RSA encrypt and decrypt program using java
- RSA加密 java实现 并且有测试代码-RSA encryption java implementation and test code
- 完成基于公钥证书的非对称密钥分配工作 说明: (1)作为通讯的双方A和B,都有一个共同信赖的第三方CA,由CA为每个人生成公钥证书和相应的私钥并分发给A、B。 (2)A和B分别将自己的公钥证书提供给对方后,分别在本地验证对方公钥证书是否可靠(假定A、B已经获得CA的公钥),然后A用B的公钥加密一个数据X(整型,可自己定义,比如100)并发送给B,B用自己的私钥解密后得到数据X,然后按协商好的函数F(比如F(X)=2*X)计算得到F(X),再利用A的公钥加密后发送给A;A在本地用自己的
- 使用java实现的DES、RSA和SHA加密算法组件,直接可以使用-Using java to achieve DES, RSA and SHA encryption algorithm components, can be used directly
crypto rsa
- A user of RSA creates and then publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers must be kept secret. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but with currently published methods, an