Morgan RTP DirectShow Filters
- RTP DirectShow Filters,包含服务器和客户端可执行程序和服务器端代码,支持 RTP, RTCP, RTSP and SDP协议-RTP DirectShow Filters, including server and client executable code and server-side support RTP, RTCP, RTSP and SDP
- internet的tcp/ip协议的服务器端实现源码,包括rtp,rtcp,rtsp协议的数据封装实现代码-the internet tcp / ip agreement server achieving source, including rtp. rtcp, rtsp agreement data encapsulation code
- 要求上传五份源代码, 这是重量级的, 苹果达尔文服务器源代码, RTSP, RTP/RTCP等等, 其中RTSP解析, RTP/RTCP接收发送等等高效源码-request upload five source code, which is the heavyweight, Apple Darwin server source code, RTSP, RTP / RTCP, etc., analytic RTSP, RTP / RTCP receive this efficient source
- The KOM(S) Streaming System (komssys) implements a streaming system based on the IETF protocols RTSP, SDP, RTP/RTCP with the intention of providing a base for researchers and other developers. Komssys includes code for a server, a client, and a proxy
- live555是一个用C++编写的、基于开放标准协议RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP的多媒体流化源码库。用该库可以构建多种协议的多媒体应用程序,比如VLC,MPlayer, LIVE555 Media Server,vobStreamer等,它也可以接收,发送MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG格式的多媒体视频和多种音频文件,包中针对各种应用都有测试源码,为开发者提供了了解和应用该库的便捷途径。-live555 C is a preparation that is based on o
- 目前的流媒体服务器代码有Darwin(苹果公司),是用c++开发的,过于复杂不适合用在嵌入式设备上,live555是c开发的但是只支持mpeg格式的音频,Feng 流媒体服务器支持h.264格式的视频,mp3音频,支持RTSP,RTP/RTCP,可以用来在嵌入式设备上开发流媒体服务器.-current streaming media server code Darwin (Apple), is the development of the c, too complex not suitable
- Fengs是实现RTSP协议的流媒体服务器.Feng is a multimedia streaming server that is compliant with the IETF s standards for real-time streaming of multimedia content over the Internet. Feng implements RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) (rfc2326) and RTP/RTCP (Real-
- The Catra Streaming Server is completely based on open standard and architectures. It adheres to a huge number of internet and 3GPP standard protocols such as RTSP, RTP, RTCP and SDP.
- Vovida出品的包括RTP、RTCP、SIP等各种基础协议栈和SIP UAC、UAS等功能的IP电话服务器端程序。编译环境为linux-Vovida produced in RTP, RTCP, and other SIP based protocol stack and SIP UAC and UAS capabilities of IP telephony server procedures. Linux compiler environment
rtp server
- 该软件是基于RFC398标准,通过RTP协议传输H.264 NAL包,由于没有实现RTSP,为了能够使通用播放器可以播放,使用了SDP(session descr iption protocol)会话层协议。 播放的时候需要先建立一个sdp文件,设置好相应的通讯参数,然后用通用播放器(比如VLC,经测试VLC的缓冲性能要比MPLAYER和FFMPEG播放器好)打开sdp文件,再通过本 软件发送RTP数据,即可实现视频播放。由于通用播放器同一时间只可以播放一个码流,而我们的码流音频和视频是独立成两
- feng.git.rar是linux下运行的流媒体服务器,开源,支持h.264格式的视频,支持RTSP,RTP/RTCP,可以用来在嵌入式设备上开发流媒体服务器,feng.git.rar are running under linux streaming media servers, open source, support for h.264 video formats, support RTSP, RTP/RTCP, can be used in embedded devices on th
- rtsp服务器,rtp/rtcp,支持linux-rtsp server, rtp/rtcp
- rtsp server源代码,里面有完整的rtsp rtp rtcp sdp协议源码-rtsp server source code, which has the complete source code protocol rtsp rtp rtcp sdp
- 这是RTP DirectShow Filters服务器与客户端可执行程序源码与服务器端代码,支持 RTP, RTCP, RTSP and SDP协议.-This is a RTP DirectShow Filters server and the client-side executable program source code with the server-side code, support for RTP, RTCP, RTSP and SDP protocols.
- 综合rtsp、rtp/rtcp的源码,完全按照RFC2326编写规则,很容易懂,里面我都有注释过的,可以在arm和pc上跑-Comprehensive rtsp, rtp/rtcp source, in full accordance with the rules of RFC2326 prepared, it is easy to understand, which I have had the Notes, you can arm and run pc
- feng rtsp服务器源码,使用tcp/udp/sdp/rtcp/rtp/rtsp-feng rtsp server source code, use the tcp/udp/sdp/rtcp/rtp/rtsp
- live555是一个用C++编写的、基于开放标准协议RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP的多媒体流化源码库。用该库可以构建多种协议的多媒体应用程序,比如VLC,MPlayer, LIVE555 Media Server,vobStreamer等,它也可以接收,发送MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG格式的多媒体视频和多种音频文件,包中针对各种应用都有测试源码,为开发者提供了了解和应用该库的便捷途径。--live555 C is a preparation that is based on
- 包含RTP/RTCP/RTSP以及SIP的协议栈源码, 内含Mpeg1/2/4以及H.263/H.264的Streaming RTP代码,适用于流媒体相关开发的Client和Server-Contains the RTP/RTCP/RTSP and SIP protocol stack source code, including the Mpeg1/2/4 and Streaming RTP code H.263/H.264 for streaming media related to t
- This code forms a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries - which can be compiled for Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), Windows, and QNX (and other POSIX-compliant systems
- RTP的数据结构体定义,接收服务器数据包。-RTP data structure is defined, the receiving server data packets.