- 我国应用最多的还是美国的GPS系统。本文及代码就针对当前比较普及的GPS系统,对其卫星定位信息的接收及其定位参数提取的实现方法予以介绍。-China is the most widely used American GPS system. This code and more general view of the current GPS system, its satellite positioning receivers and positioning parameters of the e
- dvbsnoop is a DVB/MPEG stream analyzer program. The program can be used to sniff, monitor, debug, dump or view DVB/MPEG/DSM-CC/MHP stream information (digital television or data broadcasts) sent via satellite, cable or terrestrial.-dvbsnoop i
- 本软件为绿色软件,无插件、无须安装。包括公农历节日、节气、干支(生辰八字)、生肖、星座、出梅入梅、九九三伏以及中国传统黄历的内容等。软件集成了世界时间、闹钟定时提醒、通讯簿、网络校时等实用工具,此外它可以将生日等纪念日、每日记事、日程安排等添加到万年历中,还可对吉日、记事进行搜索与查看,并可以最小化或自动隐藏显示当日公农历及时间。软件设置密码后,可对记事、安排内容及通讯簿等进行密码保护。 -software for the green software, no plug-ins, no in
- 一个C#写的GPS轨迹跟踪示例,能多视图的显示星图及GPS轨迹-C# to write a GPS tracking example, the Multi-View can display maps and GPS satellite trajectory
- 在进行数据接受编程之前,先介绍一下该模块的数据格式。它支持NMEA-0183输出格式。信息如下: GGA位置测定系统定位资料(Global Positioning System Fix Data) GSV 导航卫星资料(GNSS Satellites in View) RMC导航卫星特定精简资料(Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data) VTG 方向及速度等相关资料(Course Over Ground and Ground S
- 由国外的一个著名的geonetwork修改而来,包含installer文件夹供用户直接安装查看效果以及完整的源码,可支持各类卫星元数据标准的索引及查询,由Java编写,功能强大。-from abroad a famous GeoNetwork changes come, folder contains installer for users installed directly View results and integrity of the source code, satellite ca
- Google 地球可让您在地球上任意遨游,无论是外太空星系,还是大洋峡谷,只要您感兴趣,就可以查看卫星图像、地图、地形和 3D 建筑。您可以探索丰富的地理知识,保存您游览过的地点并与他人分享。 -Google Earth allows you to surf anywhere on the planet, whether it is outer space, galaxies, or the ocean canyon, as long as you are interested, you can
- GPS接收机的简单仿真,包含卫星天空视图、基本观测量、精度评定因子-Easy simulation of GPS receiver, including the satellite sky view, the basic concept of measurement, accuracy evaluation factor
- 这是一个双相位交通控制程序。基于星研实验箱,可以实现公交优先控制。采用认为采取中断,模拟实现。-This is a two-phase traffic control procedures. Experimental research based on satellite boxes, bus priority control can be achieved. Adopted the view that disruption simulation.
- 对GPS初学者来说,可以直观的查看GPS卫星分布以及进行模拟结算用户位置-Pairs of GPS for beginners, this may be an intuitive view to simulate GPS satellite distribution and settlement of user location
- 实现地图浏览,放大,缩小,移动,即卫星图片-To achieve the map view, zoom, move, or satellite images
- 用于北斗GPS授时接 收机的数据解算。并可显示卫星天空视图。-Compass GPS timing receiver for data solver. Satellite sky view can be displayed.
- 使用fortran语言编写的计算卫星天顶角的小函数-compute satellite view angle
- GPS导航系统 主要是定位查询 车载定位 卫星云图的查看-GPS navigation system is mainly positioning inquires the GPS navigation system is mainly positioning inquires the car positioning Satellite cloud view
- its an GPS satellite orbits file just view them
- Gpredict is a real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application. It can track an unlimited number of satellites and display their position and other data in lists, tables, maps, and polar plots (radar view). Gpredict can also predict the
- The TMS TWebGMaps is a component that allows integration of the Google Maps road map control. The TWebGMaps component renders maps of different types: default roadmap view, satellite view, hybrid view (a mix of satellite view with roadmap infor
- matlab函数文件 绘制卫星视角的三维地球视图 清晰逼真-matlab function file rendering three-dimensional perspective of the Earth satellite view vivid
- 卫星云图查看源码,实现了每半小时获取卫星图,获取云图列表,可自动播放,有两种选择-View satellite images realized every half hour to obtain satellite images, access cloud list, you can automatically play, two options.
- 利用LabVIEW的Active X模块以及STK的Connect 模块实现两种软件交互的方法,通过LabVIEW 的Active X功能连接STK,利用Connect模块中的指令驱动STK产生卫星的相关数据,最终将有关数据返回至Lab VIEW中并显示出来,实现了Lab VIEW与STK的无缝连接-Design of a Satellite Orbit Prediction Visualization Platform Based on Lab VIEW and STK A me