A shortest path tree, in graph theory, is a subgraph of a given (possibly weighted) graph constructed so that the distance between a selected root node and all other nodes is minimal. It is a tree because if there are two paths between the root node
无环连通图G=(V, E)亦称为自由树T,其直径是树中所有顶点之间最短路径的最大值,设计一个算法求T的直径-Acyclic connected graph G = (V, E) is also known as free tree T, whose diameter is the tree of shortest paths between all vertices maximum design an algorithm for the diameter of T
哈夫曼树是一种树形结构,用哈夫曼树的方法解编程题的算法就叫做哈夫曼算法。树并不是指植物,而是一种数据结构,因为其存放方式颇有点象一棵树有树叉因而称为树。 最简哈夫曼树是由德国数学家冯。哈夫曼 发现的,此树的特点就是引出的路程最短。 概念理解:1.路径 从树中一个节点到另一个节点之间的分支构成这两个节点之间的路径。2.路径长度 路径上的分支数目称作路径长度。-Huffman tree is a tree structure, Huffman tree algorithm method to sol