- 这个主要是研究:Simple Numerical Methods for Scalar Conservation Laws-These codes will produce two ASCII output files: btcs.out or ctcs.out. Lists delta_t, delta_x, and lambda. Also lists the final time requested vs. actual final time (these may differ if
- This code gets a text file which is output of simple scalar profiling command and process it, it extracts sequences of logical operations like and, or, shift.
- net-snmp 扩展 MIB , mib tree节点为简单变量(即标量)的源代码-net-snmp extension MIB, mib tree node for the simple variables (ie, scalar) source code
- 自行编写一个简单的Vector3 向量类,至少需支持3D向量间的加减乘除操作,向量与标量浮点数的乘除操作,以及点乘(Dot)和叉积(Cross)以及归一化(Normalize)操作。(20 ) (2) 自行编写一个Matrix4x4矩阵类,至少需要支持矩阵间加减操作,矩阵乘操作,矩阵单位化操作(Identity,即输出一个单位矩阵),转置操作,以及矩阵与3D向量相乘的操作。(请思考为何使用4x4的矩阵,并注意其与3D向量的相乘方式,实际上,我们需要将3D向量转为4D齐次表示形式,相乘后再转换
- simple scalar cache replacement
- This paper shows how electrical engineering undergraduates can acquire a working knowledge of the finite element method (FEM) within a short period of time using MATLAB. For simplicity, only first-order triangular elements are considered. The sca
- mcm 论文This the first in a series of videos that will go through the process of planing and implementation of a simple GUI. Realistically, I would not plan out a GUI this simple, but the idea is to show what my planning process is on a simple example.
- 用simple算法解决计算流体力学问题,湍流中被动标量扩散-Use simple algorithms to solve computational fluid dynamics problems, passive scalar diffusion in turbulent
- 提升小波源代码,可直接用于matlab编程,具有许多优良特性:结构简单、运算量低、原位运算、节省存储空间、逆变化可以直接反转实现,以及可逆的整数到整数变换。-The wavelet lifting scheme under matlab.It has many features:simple structure,little caculation scalar,computing at the original place,little storation,directily anti-conv
- 最小RMSE神经网络方法计算Lyapunov指数的matlab函数。-This M-file calculates Lyapunov exponents with minimum RMSE neural network. After estimation of network weights and finding network with minimum BIC, derivatives are calculated. Sum of logarithm of QR decomposition
- Fimex 是栅格地理空间数据的文件插值、操作和抽取的开发库。可在不同的扩展数据格式中转换,目前支持 netcdf, NcML, grib1/2, metgm, wdb 和 felt。它使您能够更改投影和插值的标量和矢量网格。它使我们能够在网格化数据集,并提取这些文件的唯一部分。对于简单的使用,Fimex还配备了命令行程 序fimex-Fimex is a the File Interpolation, Manipulation, and EXtraction library for gridd
- Static length frequent matching compression for cache data in simple scalar
- 通过VTK简化三角面片,给不同的标量设置不同的属性,一个简单的模型-To different scalar through VTK simplify triangles, set different attributes。A simple model
two dimensional convection diffusion equation
- 包含求解二维对流/扩散方程的标量(给定的标量输运) 速度场,稳态和非稳态)采用有限体积法和直角坐标网格,求解Navier Stokes方程的定常和非定常采用笛卡尔网格和同位配置变量。它还包含生成笛卡尔网格(单个或多重网格)的代码,以及绘制计算结果的代码。后者的代码产生的每一个情节页后记文件:网格、速度矢量图、剖面的速度或温度,等压线,等温线和流线和压力填充图、温度或流线。更改此目录并读取本地“自述文件”文件,以获得该目录中文件的进一步信息。子目录管包含为管道流设置的代码的版本,包括入口和出口边
- This paper presents scalar & vector control of three phase induction motor. Scalar control as the name indicates is due to magnitude variation of control variable only disregards any coupling effect in the machine. The scalar control is very si