analyze single image for greyscale level
- analyze single image for greyscale level
- verify the idea of <Single Image Dehazing>, which has good result for the haze image recover.,verify the idea of <Single Image Dehazing>, which has good result for the haze image recover.
- This package contains the two modified files of original live555 c++ library for saving rtsp stream as image. each frame will be saved as jpg image and updated every frame. this is particular useful in application which do image processing on live st
- 单幅图像的超分辨率,有较为详细的说明。还带有实验的文件-A single image super-resolution, there is a more detailed descr iption. Also with the experiment file
- verify the idea of Single Image Haze removal Using Dark Channel prior, which is the best paper of CVPR in 2009 conference.
- 基于暗原色先验的单一图像去雾算法 香港中文大学的一篇论文-dark channel prior dehazing single image dehazing using dark channel prior
- Kaiming He, Jian Sun, Xiaoou Tang. Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior 大致内容是提出了一个叫做暗原色先验的东西来对有雾图像进行处理,十分巧妙,有兴趣者可以看看。这里使用OpenCV实现文中的去雾算法,然而论文提到的soft matting未在本程序中实现。 -This is a source code of paperKaiming He, Jian Sun, Xiaoou Tang
- 遥感图像的打开处理程序,能够打开单波段,多波段图像,几何图像变换,线性拉伸变换,平滑 处理包括并行和串行,锐化处理包括梯度锐化、Roberts锐化、laplace锐化、sobel锐化等,还 有用绝对距离和马氏距离算法进行的监督分类算法等,包括了RAW格式数据资源-The opening of remote sensing image processing, to open the single-band, multi-band images, geometric image
- 这是一个对图像进行去雾的程序,是论文Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior的源程序-This is an image to the fog of the program, is the thesis Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior source
- 对于单幅图像,运用运动密度函数进行数字图像去模糊-Single image Deblurring using motion Density Function
- single image dehazing matlab代码-single image dehazing matlab code
- Camera Calibration by a Single Image of Balls- From Conics to the Absolute Conic
- 基于labview通过usb摄像头采集单幅图像子vi-Via usb camera capture a single image
MARK Dehaze
- 2009年CVPR最佳论文《Single image haze removal using dark channel prior》暗原色图像去雾的算法实现。与原文不同的是本程序没有完成最后matting细化效果的部分,但仍能够达到视觉上可以接受的去雾效果。计算机视觉课程作业。工程运行于VS2008环境,需要OpenCV支持。Debug目下exe文件可以直接双击运行查看结果。-CVPR 2009 Best Paper " Single image haze removal using d
- i am submiting the pca face recognition source code for single image
- 单通道图像 的灰度直方图 Single image histogram-Single image histogram
- dahaze, cvpr 2009, he kai ming, single image haze removal using dark channel with softmatting
- Single Image Layer Separation using Relative Smoothne-Single Image Layer Separation using Relative Smoothness
A Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm
- Single image haze removal has been a challenging problem due to its ill-posed nature. In this paper, we propose a simple but powerful color attenuation prior for haze removal from a single input hazy image. By creating a linear model for modeling
single image synthesis 4D light field
- 从单张图生成4D光场,代码来自 "Learning to Synthesis a 4D Light Field from a Single Image" 这篇文章的作者,请自行搜索(light field view synthesis from single view)