- 本程序是一个智能总线开关系统,能控制任何房间的家用电器设备,并能指示任何房间的灯的状态,并能实现电话开灯和开空调功能等-this program is a smart bus switching system can control the appliances in any room equipment, and can be directed to any room in a state of lights, and telephone switch on the light and ope
- 我做了一个“智能温控系统”,它由9部分组成,包括中央处理装置单片机、测温装置、红外探测装置、时间控制装置、远程信息接收装置、存储装置、房间加热装置、开关窗装置、液晶显示和键盘装置。这里是全部源代码。-I made a " smart temperature control system" , which consists of nine parts, including the central processing unit chip, temperature measureme
- implementation of the smart room using je-implementation of the smart room using jess
- 本游戏加入了淡入淡出效果,同时加入了调节窗体透明度功能,代码清晰明了,有详细注释,功能代码写得十分详细. 本游戏是我工作之余做的,因为我自己很喜欢玩五子棋,常常和同事切磋,所以开发了这个小游戏.因本人水平有限,程序做的不是很智能,稍为高手点的都可以出赢,本程序主要界面比较美观大方,友好.程序有详细注释,适合初学者研究.如果你对C#.NET也感兴趣,欢迎到我的百度空间或我的个人网站做客.最后附上我的个人网站和百度空间地址. 个人网站:www.2dazi.com 百度空间:http://hi.bai
- QuickRoom是我写的在VS游戏平台的挤房间工具,用的人都说很好。源码主要特点在于跨进程模拟鼠标点击窗口,可谓非常智能-QuickRoom yes I wrote the game platform in the VS tools for crowded room with people who say that good. Source is the main features of the process of simulated mouse clicks across the wind
- 美国国家标准与技术研究院关于智能会议室的研究-United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, Institute of Research on the smart meeting room
- This a smart ventilator fan system. When it detects the presence of a user, it spins in one direction and blows the air towards the user, very much like an electric fan. However, it starts at a particular lower speed and increase to the top speed onl
- ARM类资料包含了各种各样的实例论文,包括超声波测距仪的设计、基于ARM的可拼装智能电动小车、智能实时监控机房管理系统的研制等等,很好,推荐下载。-ARM type of information contains a variety of examples of papers, including the design of ultrasonic range finder, ARM-based electric car can be assembled smart, intelligent re
- 智能风扇设计 能使电风扇具有对环境进行检测的功能,当房间里面没有人时能自动的关闭电风扇;当温度下降时能自动的减小风速甚至关闭风扇-The smart fan design enables fans environmental detection function can automatically turn off fans when no one inside the room automatically when the temperature drops to reduce wind s
- 智能卡计费管理系统,可以应用于网吧、学校、政府机关、税务、银行等领域的机房计费管理,使管理方便、快捷而取得更好的经济效益。-Smart card billing management system that can be applied to Internet cafes, schools, government agencies, taxation, banking and other areas of the engine room billing management, so that m
- 基于Android的一个小型家庭环境智能检测系统,可检测温度、光强、气体,控制房间内的灯。- A small home-based environment of Android smart detection system can detect temperature, light intensity, gas, control lights in the room.
- Smart Room Controller using Human Presence Detector
- 这是自己编写的一个电赛作品-寝室智能淋浴设计,程序简单、模块化,方便改进、添加相关功能二次设计。-This is a game I have written one of the electrical works- smart shower room design, the program is simple, modular, easy to improve, add the second design-related functions.
- QML智能家居系统代码, 主要由Qt的QML语言写成;主要由欢迎界面、房间选择界面、灯光控制、窗帘控制、环境控制等界面构成.。(QML smart home system code, mainly written by Qt QML language; mainly by the welcome interface, room selection interface, lighting control, curtain control, environmental control interfa
- DALI智能照明系统实现的主要功能是用户可通过智能手机或电脑等,以无线或有线的方式对房内的所有灯光进行单独或者组合控制。主控单元负责协议转换,并且需要记住最近或者常用的场景控制状态,实时地控制每一个从节点。DALI主机可以查找所有的DALI下位机位置并分配相应地址和进行相应控制。 主要功能如下: 1)以安卓智能手机为操作平台对灯具进行单灯控制或分场景进行控制; 2)以平板或PC为操作工具,对系统内的所有灯具进行场景编辑; 3)通过软件对系统内的灯具地址进行自动分配; 4)支持数据的实时