- 用于mimo检测的sphere decoder程序- This function implements a soft output sphere decoder. Based on the paper: C. Studer, M. Wenk, A. Burg, and H. Blocskei: "soft-output Sphere Decoding: Performance and Implementation Aspects", Asilomar 2006
- Iterative receiver techniques, multiple-input – multiple-output (mimo) processing, and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are amongst the key physical layer technologies when aiming at higher spectral efficiency for a wireless comm
- VC2010及IT++4.2下实现mimo的仿真-This example demonstrates how to use the Modulator_ND (mimo) class for soft-output demodulation. The program simulates a simple convolutionally coded spatial-multiplexing (V-BLAST style) mimo system with maximum-likelihood, a