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- Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at intermediate or experienced programmers who have started on their journey toward ASP.NET development and who are already familiar with relational databases such as SQL Server. While readers won’t be intro
- 这是C#基本例子,对初学VC#的读者会有很大帮助.此文件为书籍源码-This is a C# example, readers will be very helpful for beginner VC# This file is the source in ebook! !
(eBook) Delphi Bible - source code
- Delphi Bible
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- 一本学习DirectShow的电子书,很有帮助,是学习DirectShow不可缺- - Autorun menu for linking to the resources on this CD - Source files for all example programs and tools in the book - Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) - Windows Media Encoder 9 Se
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