- matlab的图像处理,包括直方图,图像变换,模 板(空域滤波图象增强和边缘检测算子的应用)-Matlab image processing, including the histogram, image transformation, templates (spatial filter image enhancement and edge detection operators applications)
- 本实验要求编写一个计算图像直方图的程序并要求讨论直方图均衡化技术,最后对图3.8(a)进行均衡化处理。直方图是多种空间域处理技术的基础,直方图操作能有效的用于图像增强。在实验中根据直方图对应的离散函数可以编写出计算一个图像直方图的函数,直方图均衡化则是借助于直方图灰度变换实现灰度映射从而达到图像增强的目的。实验通过得到原始图像的直方图,直方图均衡化变换函数图和增强后的图像增强后图像的直方图这些实验数据来解释图像被增强的原因。,In this study requested to prepare
- 空间谱估计算法MUSIC算法和Capon算法的性能比较。图像有直方图和圆极化图两种-MUSIC spatial spectrum estimation algorithm and compare the performance of Capon algorithm. Image with histogram and the two circular polarization map
- 数字图像处理 直方图修正 空间域平滑 空间域锐化 梯度倒数加权平滑法 中值滤波 多种算子锐化 灰度最相近的6个邻点平均法-Histogram correction of digital image processing spatial spatial smoothing sharpening Gradient Inverse Weighted Smoothing median filter operator sharpening a variety of gray nearest neighbo
- 一种基于显著图像的物体显著性的评定,主要运用了视觉注意机制-We propose a set of novel features including multi-scale contrast,center-surround histogram,and color spatial distribution to describe a salient object locally,regionally,andglobally.
- Image enhancement in spatial domain, the sources include histogram, laplacian, unsharp mask, and spatial filter
- 反色,统计直方图,灰度均衡,空间低通滤波等-Anti-color histogram, gray balance, spatial low-pass filtering
- 讀取bmp圖檔,畫出histogram,減少spatial resolution,減少gray level resoluton,再畫出結果-Bmp files to read, draw histogram, reducing the spatial resolution, to reduce the gray level resoluton, and then draw the results of
- A new approach toward target representation and localization, the central component in visual tracking of non-rigid objects, is proposed. The feature histogram based target representations are regularized by spatial masking with an isotropic kern
- 提出一种新的目标表示和定位方法,该方法是非刚体跟踪的核心技术.利用均质空间掩膜规范基于特征直方图的目标表示,该掩膜引入了适合于梯度优化的空间平滑相似函数,所以可以将目标定位问题转换为局部极大值求解问题.我们利用从Bhattacharyya系数倒出的规则作为相似度量,利用mean shift procedure完成优化求解.在给出的测试用例中, 本文方法成功解决了相机移动,阴影,以及其他的图象噪声干扰.文章对运动滤波和数据关联技术的集成也进行了讨论.-A new objective and pos
- 直方图是多种空间域处理技术的基础。直方图操作能有效地用于图像增强。这个代码是我根据课本写的,整理了一下教案,教案里有详细原理和实验里有详细步骤。辛苦了好长时间的东西啊,没功劳也有苦劳啊!-Histograms are a variety of spatial domain processing technology foundation. Histogram operation can be effectively applied to image enhancement. This code
- 针对颜色直方图和颜色矩无法表达图像色彩的空间位置的缺点,Pass提出了图像的颜色聚合向量(color coherence vector,CCV)。它是颜色直方图的一种演变,其核心思想是将属于直方图每一个bin的像素进行分为两部分-For color histogram and color moments for color images can not express the shortcomings of spatial location, Pass a polymerization vect
- Image Enhancement -1. Histogram Equalization (a) Write a C++ function for computing the histogram of an image. (b) Write a C++ function to implement the histogram equalization with local enhancement ability for any neighbourhood si
- 包括图像变换增强、灰度变换增强、直方图变换增强、空间域滤波增强、频域增强等-Including image transformation enhanced gray-scale transformation enhanced, histogram transformation enhanced, enhanced spatial domain filtering, frequency domain to enhance and so on
- Based on a local spatial/frequency representation,we employ a spectral histogram as a feature statistic for texture classification. The spectral histogram consists of marginal distributions of responses of a bank of filters and encodes implicit
- 可对bmp格式的图像进行波变换,例如,频域,空间域,灰度直方图等-Bmp format, the image can be wavelet transform, for example, frequency domain, spatial domain, gray histogram, etc.
- HSV颜色空间较RGB空间更适合人的感官视觉,在HSV空间统计图像的分布特征并用于检索比在RGB空间的效果较好。-HSV color space than RGB space is more suitable for people’s senses of sight, in the HSV spatial statistical distribution of the image and is used to retrieve than in RGB space effective.
- 实现了图像处理常用的基本方法,包括直方图均衡,几何变换,空域滤波,2维快速傅里叶变换,图像复原,图像压缩,边缘检测等方法。-The image processing used to achieve the basic methods, including histogram equalization, geometric transformation, spatial filtering, two-dimensional fast Fourier transform, image restora
- 基于小波阈值去噪和空域直方图均衡的热像去噪与增强-Wavelet threshold denoising and spatial histogram equalization of the thermal image denoising and enhancement
- 描述图像中关于颜色的数量特征,可以反映图像颜色的统计分布和基本色调,直方图包含了图像中某一颜色值出现的频数。-Described in the image on the number of color characteristics, can reflect the statistical distribution of image color and basic color, histogram contains images of a particular color value in fr