- 基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法 梁毅雄 龚卫国 潘英俊 李伟红 刘嘉敏 张红梅 提出了一种将傅里叶变换和奇异值分解相结合的人脸自动识别方法.首先对人脸图像进行傅里叶变换,得到其具有位移不变特性的振幅谱表征.其次,从所有训练图像样本的振幅谱表征中给定标准脸并对其进行奇异值分解,求出标准特征矩阵,再将人脸的振幅谱表征投影到标准特征矩阵后得到的投影系数作为该人脸的模式特征.然后,对经典的最近邻分类器算法进行了改进,并采用模式特征之间的欧式距离作为相似性度量,从而完成对未知人脸的识别.采用ORL
- simulation of the effect of a filter on a signal, showing amplitude and phase spectra, in three cases, varying its bandwidth
- 对图像进行二维快速傅立叶变换及傅立叶反变换,并输出图像的频谱图和相位图-Consult a reference book for Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and then develop a program that can compute and display the two-dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform (amplitude and phase spectra) of a digital image.
- This function alculates Fourier Amplitude spectra of the time series of uncorrected acceleration and velocity depending on the FFTformat argument and produce a plot.Visual inspection of the fas is helpful for setting a low cut frequency in filter des
- 计算多组信号的卷积,并画图,采用傅里叶变换分析信号的幅度谱和角度谱,采用matlab 编写(The convolution of multiple sets of signals was calculated and plotted. The amplitude and angle spectra of the signals were analyzed by Fourier transform. Matlab was used to write the graph.)