- 语音增强算法,基于LsA-MMSE方法,并对其先验信噪比估计器进行了修改,具体过程参看Isal的论文。语音间隙间的音乐噪声也消除了。-speech enhancement algorithms, based on LsA - MMSE, and signal-to-noise ratio of its prior estimate for the changes, See specific process Isal theses. Voice gap between the music also
- With the advent of multimedia, digital signal processing (DSP) of sound has emerged from the shadow of bandwidth-limited speech processing. Today, the main appli- cations of audio DSP are high quality audio coding and the digital generation and ma
- 基于Sunplus61A板的语音识别程序(用C语言编写)请去凌阳科技下载开发环境。可以同时识别5句语音或音乐,然后点亮对应的灯。-Speech Recognition Based on Sunplus61A board procedures (using C language), please go to download the development environment Sunplus Technology. Can identify the five voice or music, t
- C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP Chapter 5 presents several real-time DSP applications, including speech compression music signal processing radar signal processing and adaptive signal processing techniques.-C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP Chapter 5
- A2000键控语音播放模块,通过三个按键完成语音播放、停止、暂停功能的实现。 KEY1:语音播放按键,按下该键,会有音乐播放。 KEY2:语音停止播放按键,按下该键,正在播放的音乐停止。 KEY3:语音暂停播放按键,按下该键,正在播放的音乐暂停-Play voice module keying A2000 through the completion of the three key voice playback, stop, pause function to achieve. K
- This the source code to the Massey School of Engineering Speech project.It has the Alice Artificial Intelligence engine included and only needs a Microsoft Agent character to work. The program will work without MSagent as well however. The program
- MPEG最2009年最新发布第二版语音和音乐混合编码算法-MPEG released the most up-to-date in 2009 the second edition of a mixed speech and music coding algorithm
- 用单片机键盘模拟播放MP3,音箱采用PC机自带的。按下键盘1,播放音乐1,按下键盘2,播放音乐2。按下键盘前,VB界面上弹出滚动屏,显示欢迎词,欢迎学生单片机。-Simulate the keyboard player with MCU MP3, using PC-native speakers. Press the keyboard 1, play music, one, two by pressing the keyboard, play music, 2. Press the keyboa
- This project describes the work done on the development of an audio segmentation and classification system. Many existing works on audio classification deal with the problem of classifying known homogeneous audio segments. In this work, audio recordi
- It can be used to divide an audio signal to several segmentations, such as speech, music and others. If you do not have Matlab v. 7.0.0 (R) installed on your Pc, you will have to download the Matlab Component Runtime installer and install it.
- 在保密数据传递等应用中,有时采用将一句话或一段文字或一段音乐隐藏在另一段音乐中,然后利用专门的算法来提取所传的信息-Data transfer in applications such as security, sometimes using the word or a text or a piece of music hidden in another section of music, and then use a special algorithm to extract the infor
- matlab 基本语音处理,可以实现基本音乐的输入,并做傅里叶变换进行频谱分析-matlab basic speech processing, can achieve basic music input, and to do Fourier transform spectrum analysis
- NEC单片机收到命令后,控制AP89170语音芯片,播放相应的语音-NEC MCU receive command, control AP89170 voice chip, play the corresponding speech
- 声源定位,根据近场二维宽带MUSIC算法,自己编写的程序!-The speech source localization base on microphone array. Matlab program on near-field 2D music algorithm.
- 音响设备接口(SDI)是专为听觉显示,或AUI(音频用户界面),这已被证明是很好的补充GUI(图形用户界面)学术。目前,SDI实现两个Sound对象:语音和听觉符号为例。言语是在3D世界中的定位语音合成相结合的ViaVoice TTS和,A3D一起。在学术上,这种定位可以帮助用户挑选出所需要的信息,两个同时“显示”的声音。这是所谓的“鸡尾酒会效应”。此外,它可以提高存储器中,添加的位置系数对每一个声音。听觉符号为例,从字面上看,可以显示听觉符号为例容易。听觉符号为例是怎么样的音乐modif,图标
- 对语音识别技术中涉及到的知识用matlab编写了一系列源码供下载,如读取/播放wave文件,音乐信号的时域/频域波形等。-Knowledge of the speech recognition technology involves a series of source code written in matlab for download, such as read/play a wave file, the music signals in time domain/frequency dom
- MATLAB基础画图、函数操作等模板学习程序,另外还有语音合成和音乐合成两个实验程序,让你尽情体验MATLAB的魅力!-MATLAB foundation drawing, function and operation template learning program, in addition to the two experimental procedures for speech synthesis and music synthesis, let you Experience MATLA
- 语音识别芯片资料 产品介绍 应用于消费类电子产品上的交互式语音集成芯片(RSC-100/164T,RSC-300/364,RSC4XX)是一种高性能、低成本的8位MCU,所有这类芯片内部集成有ADC、DAC、ROM(除了RSC-100/300)、RAM和麦克风的预放大电路,并拥有以下多种功能:与说话者无关/有关的语音识别、语音确认(PASSWORD)、语音和音乐合成,录音和回放、快速数字拨号(只有RSC-300/364)、持续监听。 产品线有两种通用目的的微处理器(RSC系列)
Speech Recognition
- 程序中选取了民歌、古筝、摇滚和流行四类不同音乐 ,用 BP 神经网络实现对这四类音乐 的有效分类。(The program selected folk songs, zither, rock and popular four different music, with BP neural network to achieve the effective classification of these four types of music.)
matlab music
- 基于matlab的音乐语音信号的处理与分析,数字信号处理(The processing and analysis of music speech signal based on MATLAB, digital signal processing)