BSplineCtrl B样条空间线
- BSplineCtrl B样条空间线,在空间绘制可以用鼠任意拖动来改变形状的B样条平滑曲线。用到的知识有:B-Spline ,鼠标三维拾取。-BSplineCtrl B-spline space line drawing in space can be used arbitrarily drag mouse to change the shape of B-spline smoothing curves. The knowledge is used : B-Spline, 3D mouse pi
- Fast computation of a discretized thin-plate smoothing spline for image data
- 用MFC做的可以实现画三种平滑曲线的程序(三次样条插值,贝塞尔曲线,GDI+曲线平滑)-Using MFC to do three pictures to achieve a smooth curve of the procedure (cubic spline interpolation, Bezier curves, GDI+ curve smoothing)
- 对三次样条曲线进行光顺,采用已有的Kjellander和Polikoff算法进行,以及新的精确能量光顺法-Of cubic spline smoothing curves, using the existing algorithm Kjellander and Polikoff, and the new precision energy smoothing method
- 使用3次B样条函数平滑算法平滑鼠标drag而使用的曲线,该工程加入了针对手写数位板的算法-3 B-spline smoothing algorithm smooth drag the mouse to use the curve, the project joined the algorithms for handwriting tablet
- 样条曲线的最小二乘法保型光顺逼近的说明和详细介绍-Spline curve of least squares smoothing approximation security type a descr iption and details on
- 程序中尝试了各种平滑曲线的算法,包括 三次样条平滑曲线 的算法类 贝塞尔曲线的算法 GDI+平滑曲线的代码-Procedures to try a variety of smooth curves of the algorithm, including the cubic spline curve smoothing algorithm type algorithm Bessel curve smooth curve GDI+ code
- 一类分段(片)光滑、并且在各段交接处也有一定光滑性的函数。简称样条。样条一词来源于工程绘图人员为了将一些指定点连接成一条光顺曲线所使用的工具,即富有弹性的细木条或薄钢条。由这样的样条形成的曲线在连接点处具有连续的坡度与曲率。-A class of subparagraph (piece) smooth, and there are certain sections junction smooth function. Called spline. The term comes from the e
- 在autocad里对pline折线进行光滑的程序,目的是实现等高线的光滑,相比autocad里提供s样条光滑,可以实现光滑后仍然过原来的折线顶点,从而保证等高线的准确-Pline in autocad in on line to smooth the process in order to achieve a smooth contour, which offers s compared to autocad spline smoothing can be achieved even after
- 本文中在构造关键点的对应时定义了难度D,以反映这种选择的变形效果的优劣。计算难度D时, 引入了B样条和曲率K等数学工具, 使难度值D较合理, 变形效果平滑,程序量约5000 行C 源代码行, 在本文后面给出了实际运行的结果,并对算法的时间代价和适用范围进行了分析。-The key point in constructing this article, the corresponding definition of the degree of difficulty when the D, to r
- 现代造船技术,船舶型线光顺,样条拟合程序。-Modern shipbuilding technology, ship-based line smoothing, spline fitting procedure.
- 本示例演示了从文件中读取数据点并把读取的点在UG中画出来,然后根据每个截面上的点拟合成样条曲线并对曲线进行光顺等操作,最后通过曲线创建曲面的过程-This example shows data points read from the file and to read the points drawn in the UG, then the points on each section of the proposed synthetic curves and spline smoothing a
- 基于GDAL读取shapefile数据,然后对读取到的shapefile数据进行张力样条函数光滑。-Based on GDAL to read shapefile,and use tension spline smoothing algorithm to smooth the shapefile
- 单根型线的自然三次样条曲线插值与最小二乘法光顺程序-Single moulded line s Natrual Cubic spline interpolation and least squares method smoothing
- 曲线数据三次样条平滑 X 一维实数组,存放数据点的横坐标 Y 一维实数组,存放数据点的纵坐标 !DY 一维实数组,存放数据Y的测量误差-Cubic spline smoothing curve data X one-dimensional real array, store data points abscissa
- 程序实现二次B样条平滑,三次B样条平滑;二次B样条平滑后节点插值-Program to achieve the second B-spline smoothing, cubic B-spline smoothed after the second B-spline interpolation smooth node
- 对杂乱的数据离散点进行光滑处理,区别于传统的平滑滤波,此程序光滑效果更好,速度更快- SMOOTHN Robust spline smoothing for 1-D to N-D data. SMOOTHN provides a fast, automatized and robust discretized spline smoothing for data of arbitrary dimension.
- 基于dct或者fft方法简单快捷的平滑数据。包含源代码与例子。-The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for quick & easy smoothing. smoothes data using a DCT- or FFT-based spline smoothing method.
- 主函数Main,方法:栅格法+B样条平滑;功能:给定其实点和目标点进行路径规划,避障等功能(Grid method, path planning, +B spline smoothing)
- Spline smoothing function for ND data