- PeerSec Networks MatrixSSL?is an embedded SSL implementation designed for small footprint applications and devices. PeerSec Networks offers a fully supported, commercial version as well as an open source version that is available for download. PeerSe
- SocketApi是在netembryo库上修改而成的,方便在嵌入式设备上开发网路应用,由于netembryo库虽然支持SSL,但是有些bug是没有经过验证的。-SocketApi in netembryo on the revisions. facilitate the development of embedded devices on the network applications, while supporting the netembryo SSL, But some bug is
- 开源嵌入式的SSL PeerSec Networks MatrixSSL™ is an embedded SSL implementation designed for small footprint applications and devices. PeerSec网络MatrixSSL ™ 是一个嵌入式的SSL执行专为小尺寸应用和设备。 PeerSec Networks offers a fully supported, commercial version as
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL library written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS a
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL library written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS a
- 最小巧的SSL代码库,便于移植和集成。也可以作为加解密库来使用。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL library written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS and M
- 因為不只有 SSL/TLS library,還提供了 Embedded Web server (名為 Anti-Web),系統模組化相當不錯,可以透過 menuconfig 挑選合適的組態,另外,內建的 Anti-Web 也支援 CGI/PHP,跟前述的 SSL libraries 相比,[axTLS] 在 SSL crypto algorithm 的功能性是最少的,僅有最基本的實做,但是對功能專一的 Embedded 應用來說,反而是不錯的選擇。-axTLS is a TLSv1 SSL li
- matrixssl是一套SSL通信加/解密库,它的设计目标是嵌入式应用,因此整个库非常小,编译后的代码长度只有openssl的1/20左右。-MatrixSSL is an embedded, open source SSL implementation designed for small footprint applications and devices. It is designed to reduce the complexity of integrating SSL into
- yaSSL 是用於崁入式系統的SSL資料庫,有OPEN SSL的介面.-yassl-1.9.9 yaSSL are embedded SSL Libraries for programmers building security functionality into their applications and devices
- cyassl 和 yassl 是用於崁入式系統的SSL函式庫.有OPEN SSL的相容介面-cyassl 1.3.0 Cyassl and yaSSL are embedded SSL Libraries for programmers building security functionality into their applications and devices. Both products employ the dual licensing model, like MySQL, s
- PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL/TLS library written in C. PolarSSL makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) applications with as little hassle as possible. Loose c
- ANSMTP component provides an easy way to enable your ASP, VB, VBA, VC++, Delphi, C#, VB.NET, Jscr ipt.NET, ASP.NET or other COM environment applications to send rich TEXT/HTML email based on SMTP or ESMTP protocol. It also can lookup DNS MX record to
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。尤其适合嵌入式应用。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL/TLS library written in C. PolarSSL makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) applicat
- embedded SSL client source
- 嵌入式linuxweb服务器,支持cgi动态编程,支持http用户认证,支持ssl加密-Embedded linuxweb server support cgi dynamic programming, support http user authentication, support for ssl encryption
- Appweb是一個嵌入式HTTP Web服務器,主要的設計思路是安全。這是直接集成到客戶的應用和設備,便於開發和部署基於Web的應用程序和設備。它正迅速( 3500多要求每秒)和緊湊(從11萬) ,其中包括支持動態網頁製作,服務器端嵌入式腳本過程中的CGI ,可加載模塊,的SSL ,摘要式身份驗證,虛擬主機, Apache樣式配置,日誌記錄,單和多線程應用程序。Appweb是一個嵌入式HTTP Web服務器,主要的設計思路是安全。這是直接集成到客戶的應用和設備,便於開發和部署基於Web的應用程序
- this embedded arduino code for SSl-this is embedded arduino code for SSl
- ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能。可以将ftp4j嵌到你的Java应用中,来传输文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括:通过 TCP/IP直接连接,通过FTP代理、HTTP代理、SOCKS4/4a代理和SOCKS5代理连接,通过SSL安全连接。-ftp4j an FTP client-side Java class libraries, mo
- axTLS 是一个高度可配置的TLSv1 SSL库(客户端/服务器),用小内存系统的嵌入式SSL项目,包含一个小型的HTTP/HTTPS服务器axhttpd。-axTLS TLSv1 SSL library (client/server), a highly configurable, with a small memory embedded SSL project contains a small HTTP/HTTPS server axhttpd.
- The QSsl namespace declares enums common to all SSL classes in QtNetwork for Embedded Linux.