PSCAD软件搭建SVC(静止无功补偿器)模型实例-PSCAD software to build SVC (Static Var Compensator) model instance
在PSCAD/EMTDC软件环境下进行静止同步补偿器仿真的文件和代码。-In the PSCAD/EMTDC software environment for simulation of static synchronous compensator files and code.
Active power filter (APF) matlab simulation file,static VAR compensator
static var compensator for thesps electrical network
this the open loop control of the transmission line with static var compensator working in the open loop
this data is taken form the padiyar buk for the line 3-13
but data is manupulated for the design purpose
there is considerebly good perf
Static var compensator model matlab simulink model
Evaluation of static synchronous compensator in order to loading margin study in power system
关于静止无功补偿装置SVC和静止无功补偿器STATCOM的比较-On the Static Var Compensator SVC and STATCOM Static Var Compensator Comparison
PSCAD软件对STATCOM(静止同步无功补偿器)建模仿真例程-PSCAD software STATCOM (Static Synchronous Var Compensator) modeling and simulation routines
this static var compensator based on fuzzy logic controller-this is static var compensator based on fuzzy logic controller
基于IGBT级联型±2MVar静止同步补偿器的研制-IGBT-based Cascade ± 2MVar the development of static synchronous compensator
This paper presents the enhancement of voltage sags/swell harmonic distortion and low power factor using
Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM). The model is based on the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) principle. The
D-STATCOM injects a curr
In this paper, the performance of voltage-source
converter-based shunt and series compensators used for load
voltage control in electrical power distribution systems has been
analyzed and compared, when a nonlinear load is connected
across th
静止无功补偿器不对称控制策略的研究,无功电流的瞬时检测-Static var compensator asymmetric control strategy research
Design o f a Static VAR Compensator Using Mode l Re f e r enc e Adaptive Control-Design o f a Static VAR Compensator Using Mode l Re f e r enc e Adaptive Control
Analysis and Controller Design of Static VAR Compensator Using Three-Level GTO Inverter
This paper presents the modeling and implementation of a three-phase DSTATCOM (Distribution Static
Compensator) using STF (Self Tuning Filter) based IRPT (Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory) control
algorithm for power quality improvement. It is
Power quality is a major concern for electrical engineers and researchers now days. Various power quality problems are voltage sag, swell, interruptions, harmonics etc. This paper discusses the problem of harmonics and its reduction in distribution n
The power system of an all-electric navy ship has an integrated network, where the propulsion load, the distribution loads, sensor and other emergency loads and pulse loads (rail guns, aircraft launchers etc.) – all are part of the same electrical ne
This paper proposes a Flexible D-STATCOM (Distribution STATIC Compensator) and its new
controller system, in IEEE 13-bus industrial distribution system, that be able to both mitigate all types of series
faults (open-circuit or open conductor faults