- 用ASP+ACCESS数据库实现的无限级目录树-ASP ACCESS database unlimited class tree
- 能够很容易控制的一个Tree类。通过该类可以创建自己需要的风格化的树,有利于在特定环境下使用。-can be easily controlled by a Tree class. Through such needs can create your own style of the tree, to the specific environment.
Simple Binary Tree Class
- 是其中之五,两分树-is Five, two points tree
- binary search tree /*class TreeNode { public: TreeNode(char m[80],TreeNode*left, TreeNode *right) void Inorder(void) char data[80] TreeNode *left_ptr TreeNode *right_ptr }
- jquery实现的tree,效果很好,能够实现展开一级数,其他级树自动收缩,并且有多种样式提供选择,jquery realized tree, the effect of a very good start to achieve a number of other class trees automatic contraction and provide a variety of styles to choose
- 网上找的非常基础的文章,测试发现当Single Expand property和Always Show Selection属性同时设置为TRUE时,Always Show Selection会失效,不知道这样的认识对不对?- MFC Tree controls are one of the useful controls to show a hierarchical view of items. They can show the folders list, any parent- child
- B+树的源代码,c++版,用类实现的。 是许多数据库系统使用的检索系统-B+ tree source code, c++ version, with the class achieved. Database system used in many retrieval systems
- 一个形如outlook中的树形列表类,可以排序,推荐下载--Tree list class which is like the class in outlook,the content in that can be ordered,recommend!
- kd树类的实现。内部提供了三种搜索方法。-kd tree class implementation。
- Using comboboxes in the MFC Grid Control Since I posted my MFC grid control I ve had a lot of requests asking how to use other methods of editing cells in the grid. Ken Bertelson has taken this to the extreme, with his Grid Tree control. For some t
- 定义一个二叉树的类,并递归与非递归中序遍历二叉树-Define a binary tree class, and recursive and non-recursive traversal of binary tree
- Binary search tree - class template BST - Some basic method: insert, delete
- 数据结构(清华第2版)中,可重用的树类,并实现对树的基本操作-Data structure (Tsinghua 2nd edition), the reusable tree class, and implement the basic operation of the tree
- 类STL的Tree Class. Open Source. 很多项目都有用到。作者:Kasper Peeters reference:http://tree.phi-sci.com/-a STL-like Tree Class which created by Kasper Peeters. It is an open source file and has already widely used in many mature projects
- 做了一个树模板类(protected派生于二叉树类)。 类方法模仿MFC的CTreeCtrl-Made a tree template class (protected derived from binary tree class). MFC' s CTreeCtrl class method to imitate
- 哈夫曼树编码解码,在程序中使用树结构,实现哈夫曼树,核心类:树结构类哈夫曼编解码器类;文本处理类;主程序类-Huffman encoding and decoding tree, the tree structure used in the program to achieve Huffman tree, the core categories: tree class class Huffman codec text processing classes main categories
- 二叉树类及其实现以二叉链表为存储结构实现二叉树类和成员函数, 设计计算二叉树结点、将二叉树每个结点的左右子树交换、求二叉树高度的算法-Binary tree class and its implementation to the list for the storage structure of the binary classes and member functions to achieve a binary tree, binary tree node design calculati
- 树的遍历,上课写的一个小程序,希望有助于初学者的学习-Traversal of the tree class to write a small program, and want to help beginners learn
- 使用python语言写的二叉树,总共两个文件,一个是树,一个是节点-binary tree by python which contains a tree Class and a Node class
Table on AVL-tree
- Class that represent a table of elements with key and values, implemented using AVL tree.