- 本游戏的主角是个小球,玩家通过按右键的时间长短来决定小球的初始速度,当按动左键时小球启动,小球在运动过程中将受到磨察力的作用,速度将减慢最终停止,小球停止的位置距离右边红色墙壁的距离(距离越近成绩越高)及小球在运行过程中与墙壁碰撞的次数(次数越多成绩越高)将决定玩家的最终成绩,按任意键程序将把当前成绩与存放在mc.txt中的历史成绩比较,给玩家以平价,并将当前成绩保存在mc.txt中。游戏有两个界面第一个界面是游戏场景,其中有三个参数,由左至右依次为“DIS”最终离右边墙的距离,“BUMP”小球
- 使用pso求最小化一函數 matlab程式碼,寫的非常簡潔(不到100行),且還包括了2維的圖形展示,和大家分享參考!!! 一起學習matlab和各種optimize methods 最小化:(x-15)^2+(y-20)^2 The swarm matrix is swarm(index, [location, velocity, best position, best value], [x, y components or the value compo
- The concept of particle effects is very simple. Particle effects can be used to simulate fire, fireworks, water fountains, snow, rain, explosions and many other things. The effects are created by creating a definite number of particles. Depending on
- 利用SAR卫星的已知的多个时刻的位置和速度信息,精确地拟合出SAR卫星的轨道模型。可用于计算出任意象元成像时刻卫星的位置-SAR satellites known to use multiple moments of position and velocity information, accurately fitted SAR satellite orbital model. Images can be used to calculate the yuan as the location of
- 计算转换波转换点坐标位置,用于转换波道集抽取或速度分析-Converted-wave conversion point coordinate calculation of the location for the converted wave velocity analysis gather or extract
- This FORTRAN program calculates the the free surface elevation, horizontal velocity, horizontal acceleration, vertical velocity, and vertical acceleration as a function of time at a given horizontal and vertical location.
- Descr iption This function finds the velocity of a 2-dimensional planar wave from at least 2 sensors, by specifying its location (x,y) or (lon,lat) and its respective arrival time. It returns the speed and direction (or tracking if coordi
- Radar can determine an object’s location, keep a record of past locations, and can give an estimate as to where this object, or target, will be. Radar measures a target by emitting an electromagnetic signal and measuring the reflection off of the tar
- gps位置速度及错误计算的说明文档。可以计算位置。-gps position, velocity and error calculation documentation. Location can be calculated.
- 粒子群算法是求解函数优化问题的一种新的进化算法,然而它在求解高维函数时容易陷入局部最优,为了克服这个缺点,提出了一种新的粒子群算法,算法对粒子的速度和位置更新公式进行了改进,使粒子在其最有位置的基础上进行位置更新,增强了算法的寻优-PSO for solving function optimization problems is a new evolutionary algorithm, but it is easy to solve high-dimensional function into
- 天然地震定位、速度分析matlab程序,适合天然地震研究者、爱好者。-Natural earthquake location, velocity analysis matlab program for natural earthquake researchers, enthusiasts.
- This paper presents a technique which is based on pattern recognition techniques, in order to estimate Mobile Terminal (MT) velocity. The proposed technique applies on received signal strength (RSS) measurements and more precisely on information
- 将状态矢量转换成轨道根数的Matlab源程序,输入是位置速度矢量,输出是轨道根数,有详细的注解-Convert the state vector of the orbital elements of the Matlab source code, enter the location of the velocity vector, the output of the orbital elements, with detailed comments
- 本次实验来源于opencv自带sample中的例子,该例子是用kalman来完成一个一维的跟踪,即跟踪一个不断变化的角度。在界面中表现为一个点在圆周上匀速跑,然后跟踪该点。看起来跟踪点是个二维的,其实转换成角度就是一维的了。 Kalman滤波理论主要应用在现实世界中个,并不是理想环境。主要是来跟踪的某一个变量的值,跟踪的依据是首先根据系统的运动方程来对该值做预测,比如说我们知道一个物体的运动速度,那么下面时刻它的位置按照道理是可以预测出来的,不过该预测肯定有误差,只能作为跟踪的依据。另一个依
- 本设计是以单片机为核心的步进电机控制系统;能够实现能够实现精密工作台位移、速度(满足电机的加、减速特性)、方向、定位的控制。用STC89C52作为控制单元,通过键盘实现对步进电机转动开始与结束、转动方向、转动速度的控制。并且将步进电机的转动方向,转动速度控制,以及位移动态显示在LCD液晶显示屏上。硬件包括CPU、功放、按键、LCD显示;电路结构简单,可靠性能高;软件采用C语言,简单易编写。-The design is based on single-chip stepper motor cont
- 利用单片机软、硬件系统通过三相或四相步进电动机实现精密工作台位移、速度(满足电机的加、减速特性)、方向、定位的控制。 硬件完成控制电路板,包括CPU、功放、按钮、LED显示。软件可采用C实现。 -Using SCM software and hardware systems to achieve precision stage displacement, velocity through three or four phase stepper motors (motors meet th
- 利用单片机软、硬件系统通过三相或四相步进电动机实现精密工作台位移、速度(满足电机的加、减速特性)、方向、定位的控制。 硬件完成控制电路板,包括CPU、功放、按钮、LED显示。软件可采用C实现。 -Using SCM software and hardware systems to achieve precision stage displacement, velocity through three or four phase stepper motors (motors meet th
- 惯性导航系统属于一种推算导航方式.即从一已知点的位置根据连续测得的运载体航向角和速度推算出其下一点的位置.因而可连续测出运动体的当前位置。惯性导航系统中的陀螺仪用来形成一个导航坐标系使加速度计的测量轴稳定在该坐标系中并给出航向和姿态角-Inertial navigation system is a dead reckoning navigation mode. That is from a given point according to the measured continuous carr
- 轨道设计,确定着陆准备轨道近月点和远月点的位置,以及嫦娥三号相应速度的大小与方向。-Track design, determine the location of the landing point in recent months to prepare the track and Apolune, as well as the size and direction of the Chang-e III corresponding velocity.
- 并联机构速度分析,位置分析,工作空间分析程序代码很有用-Parallel mechanism velocity analysis, location analysis, spatial analysis work useful code