- Author: David Sedarsky Summary: MatLab GUI for interface tracking and edge velocity determination MATLAB Release: R14SP2 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Descr iption: Itrac works on image pairs taken at times T1 and T2
- outpost16为16位窗口模式下的太空飞行射击游戏。 请在桌面将色深设成16位,否则图像显示不正常。 某些机器可能会出现花屏现象,原因未知。 游戏的目标是击毁所有的空间站和大型战舰,击碎陨石有一定几率掉+护甲或者+*的东西。 游戏过程按F1帮助,游戏键说明如下: ← Turn Left(左转) → Turn Right(右转) ↑ Advance And Speedup(前进和加速) Ctrl Fire(发射) Space Fire(发射) H
- GPS 定位 校时 G591B G591模块产品定义书 1.GPS芯片 :基于 JRC第九代单芯片SH319方案 2.卫星信道 :88通道, (66个捕获通道,22个追踪通道) 3.频率 :L1, 1.57542 GHz, C/A 码 4.启动时间 :<1.5s(热启),<34s(温启),<35s(冷启) 5.功耗 :38mW typical@tracking 6.GPS精度 :<2.5m Position Accuracy; 0.
- Tracking targets with radar is an important step in ensuring safety in such endeavors as air travel or military operations. To account for inherent inaccuracies in raw radar measurements of position, and to obtain accurate velocity data, we implement
- Radar Simulation + Detect, tracking and display targets. + Compute : Radial Velocity, Azimuth,Elevation angle,Range of target... + 3 Modes display target and orbit of target
- This project deals with the tracking and following of single object in a sequence of frames and the velocity of the object is determined. Algorithms are developed for improving the image quality, segmentation, feature extraction and for deterring
- 雷达速度波门跟踪源程序,动态显示跟踪过程,跟踪参数可调.-velocity Gate tracking radar source, dynamic display tracking process, track adjustable parameters.
- 在飞机无源跟踪中,用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法来实现平面变角速度模型。-Passive tracking the aircraft, using extended Kalman filter algorithm to achieve the flat model of variable angular velocity.
- Descr iption This function finds the velocity of a 2-dimensional planar wave from at least 2 sensors, by specifying its location (x,y) or (lon,lat) and its respective arrival time. It returns the speed and direction (or tracking if coordi
- 跟踪问题本质上是一个混合系统的状态估计问题[38】,即利用传感器的离散 观测来估计所感兴趣区域内目标个数和状态的过程,其中目标状态包括运动分量 (位置、速度、加速度)和属性信息(信噪比、谱特征,身份信息等)。目标跟 踪问题根据跟踪环境的不同可以分为单机动目标跟踪和多机动目标跟踪。-Tracking is essentially a hybrid system of the state estimation problem [38】, namely the use of sensors
- 基于三个模型的目标跟踪,中心角速度为0.偏移角速度固定。能够解决轨迹为非线性的目标的跟踪。自带轨迹。-Target tracking based on the three models, the central angular velocity is 0. Offsets the fixed angular velocity. Can solve the trajectory tracking of nonlinear target. Own trajectory.
- 基于三个模型的自适应目标跟踪算法,中心角速度实施估计.偏移角速度固定。自带轨迹。-Three models based on adaptive tracking algorithm, the central angular velocity of the implementation of estimates. Offsets the fixed angular velocity. Own trajectory.
- 科技创新(7)智能小车控制算法软件模拟实现,根据测量当前小车的位置、速度和预瞄点位置与赛道之间的关系控制小车的速度,舵机大小、档位、油门和刹车情况。-Science and technology innovation (7) intelligent car control algorithm simulation software to realize, according to the current measurement car position, velocity, and the po
- Extended Kalman Filter Tracking Object in 3-D-Assume that we want to track an object moving in 3-D space with constant velocity. Our instruments observe bearing, range and high(cylindrical coordinates). However, of an interest are rectangular coordin
- 本次实验来源于opencv自带sample中的例子,该例子是用kalman来完成一个一维的跟踪,即跟踪一个不断变化的角度。在界面中表现为一个点在圆周上匀速跑,然后跟踪该点。看起来跟踪点是个二维的,其实转换成角度就是一维的了。 Kalman滤波理论主要应用在现实世界中个,并不是理想环境。主要是来跟踪的某一个变量的值,跟踪的依据是首先根据系统的运动方程来对该值做预测,比如说我们知道一个物体的运动速度,那么下面时刻它的位置按照道理是可以预测出来的,不过该预测肯定有误差,只能作为跟踪的依据。另一个依
- 雷达检测跟踪过程无缝连接过程。 雷达检测跟踪过程无缝连接过程。-Detection and tracking are normally considered separate processes. First the signal processing system associated with a sensor examines the signal to determine whether to call detection. Once detection is called, it is
- EKF扩展kalman滤波估计二维平面运动轨迹,实现二维平面有源雷达对目标距离和速度的跟踪。-Kalman filtering estimation of 2D motion trajectory EKF extension, realize the planar active radar for target distance and velocity tracking.
- This project deals with the tracking and following of single object in a sequence of frames and the velocity of the object is determined
- 该程序可以检测视频中的点并计算其角速度,跟踪并描述轨迹(The program can detect the point in the video and calculate its angular velocity, then track the point and describe the trajectory.)
- Moving object detection and tracking is often the first step in applications such as video surveillance. The main aim of project a moving object detection and tracking system with a static camera has been developed to estimate velocity,