- 是一个水波特效,也很漂亮,初学者可以自由的更换图片-is a wave effects, and very beautiful, beginners can freely change the picture
- 实现水波浪的OpenGL源代码,对于实现水面特效有参考价值。A OpenGL sourcecode to realizing water wave. It is useful for whom want to realize water surface effect.-water wave OpenGL source code, for the achievement of surface effects have reference value. A OpenGL sourcecode to
- 用VC++结合opengl编写的小程序,模拟三维水波纹的场景-VC++ with opengl using a small program written to simulate three-dimensional water wave scene
- VB打造的一款超酷的水波效果,绝对有视觉触感-VB built a cool water wave effect, the absolute visual touch
- iphone上给一个图片生成水纹倒影的效果。倒影图片会有一些雾化处理的效果-iphone to a picture on the effect of generating water wave reflection. Reflection of the picture there will be some effect of spray treatment
- 用OPENGL实现的水的效果 有水波的波动 波纹效果 动态的水面-Using OPENGL achieve the effect of a wave of water ripple effect of fluctuations in the dynamic of the surface
- 一款android系统下的水面波动动画效果-Android system under a water wave animation
- 逼真的水波纹效果,使用AS3.0做的,算法不错,可以-Realistic water ripple effect, use AS3.0 do a good algorithm, you can take a look at
- 在128*128的网格上求解2维波动方程来模拟大范围的水波。用一个像素渲染程序完成对波动方程的时间积分,结果存放于一个浮点数纹理中,.然后将此纹理传给渲染模块。此外使用凹凸贴图来描述水面的细节波纹,这会给稍后的逐像素渲染带来逼真的水面闪烁高光效果.-128* 128 grid on the solution of 2-dimensional wave equation to simulate a wide range of water. With a pixel shader program
- 做的一个类似于手机屏幕的,水面效果,修改下就可以用于触目屏。-This is a desktop effect. water effect,move your mouse and click can bring many water wave
- Cool visualization of shallow water wave equation Employs Crank-Nicholson scheme, 2nd order accurate, CFD calculation of shallow water wave equation. If processor is slow, can decrease ni, nj, tmax. Very little viscous diffusion allowed, bounda
- 一个水波纹的代码 本来代码是不错,再稍微地优化一下,可能会更好-Originally a water wave code code is good, then a little bit optimized, might be better
- 操作指导7水纹 一、 建立工程 二、 添加函数和变量,修改头文件(view.h) public: int npoint float lpoint[4][4] float cpoint[102][76][3] void drawplat() void lm() BOOL movekey CClientDC *my_pDC CRect my_oldRect BOOL mytbar BOOL mysbar
- 调用系统相机,中间做了水波扩散效果。用于制作特效图片。-Call system camera, the middle of doing a water wave diffusion effect. Used to create special effects picture.
- water wave,a little short code,anythnig
- 是一款基于mfc的c++聊天工具,分客户端和服务端。服务器可挂载多客户端,并支持用户的名称及密码管理,允许其进行在线消息发送,还有一款别致的aqua水波界面供选择-Is a sub-client and server-based mfc c++ chat tools,. Multi-client server can mount and support the user' s name and password management, allows online message is se
- 该系统以AT89C51单片机为核心实现温度控制。温度信号由AD590和温度/电压转换电路获得,温度实时控制采用PID算法,控制输出采用PWM波触发可控硅来控制加热通断。使系统具有较高的测量精度和控制精度。-The system AT89C51 microcontroller as the core temperature control. Temperature signal obtained by the AD590 and temperature/voltage conversion cir
- 一个水波纹的代码本来代码是不错,再稍微地优化一下,可能会更好Originally a water wave code code is good, then a little bit optimized, might be better-Originally a water wave code code is good, then a little bit optimized, might be better
- 一个水波纹的代码本来代码是不错,再稍微地优化一下,可能会更好Originally a water wave code code is good, then a little bit optimized, might be better-Originally a water wave code code is good, then a little bit optimized, might be better
- 安卓 流量水波浪效果,用于手机流量显示界面,各种需要用水面波浪效果的地方-Android flow water wave effect, for mobile traffic display interface, a variety of needs with surface waves in Local