- Fun with HTML5 Canvas, WebSocket, JQuery and ASP.NET. End-result: A live white board on a web page! .-Playing with some of the cutting edge stuff to develop a live drawing white board on a web page where multiple people can collaborate and each per
- HTML5 Web Socket Demo in Chrome.
- 国外《Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps scr ipting with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascr ipt》电子书配套代码,对IOS网页应用专业开发有很好参考价值。-Foreign " Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps scr ipting in with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascr ipt ' and e-books supporting code, a good r
- 国外《Pro Android Web Apps Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3 & Javascr ipt》电子书配套源代码,对深入钻研安卓网页应用开发有很好参考价值。-Foreign " Pro Android Web Apps Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3, Javascr ipt" e-book supporting source code, a good reference val
- 该程序为基于HTML5中Canvas标签的网页特效。包括主页,下雨,下雪,风车,烟花等五个网页特效。主页的四个链接分别链接到其余四个特效。其中烟花特效可响应鼠标左键单击事件。下雪特效可用空格使画面静止,用上下左右方向键调节下雪的速度和雪花数量的多少。风车特效可将光标放在风车中心处,使风车变大,此时单击鼠标左键,可改变风车的转动速度。 由于浏览器不兼容问题,该程序只在以google Chrome浏览器打开时才能正常运行。-The program is based on the HTML5
- html5作为当前最新的网页设计文档,对于一个前端开发人员可是必会的技术。-html5 as the latest web design document, but will certainly technology for a front-end developers.
- 本书指导移动web应用的创建。把从书中学习到的HTML5 CSS3 和js技术使用到实际应用中!-This book guides you through the creation of a mobile web app. You ll put the HTML5, CSS3 and Javascr ipt skills you learn into practice, giving you invaluable first-hand experience that will serve you
- 网页特效模拟实现太阳系逼真星球效果,运用css3+html5技术,可能没摸索出来怎么测试,星球和夜空效果都很逼真,但好像没有动画效果-The web effects simulation a realistic planet of the solar system effect, use css3+html5 technology, may not have worked out how to test, planets and the night sky is very realistic,
- Javascr ipt (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language.[5] It was originally implemented as part of web browsers so that client-side scr ipts could interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the docum
- reveahtml5+css3技术实现3D网页内容上下左右四个方向滚动切换特效-reveahtml5+ css3 technology for 3D web content to scroll up and down about four direction switching effects
- HTML5网页设计初窥系列课程(1):新Web设计标准HTML5的历史与回顾 (Level 200)_PDF-First glimpse of HTML5 web design courses (1): The new standard HTML5 Web Design History and Review (Level 200) _PDF
- Html5 is a book for web GIS development, very good reference material, hope it is useful for you-Html5 is a book for web GIS development, very good reference material, hope it is useful for you
- web设计,html 5 和css 3的实践课程和案例讲解-web design, html 5 and css 3 practice course and case presentations
- 利用Html5做的旅游网页设计,期末作品(Web design using Html5: an introduction to trave)
HTML5 参考手册
- HTML5 参考手册,这是一个非常详细的介绍,入门级参考资料(This specification defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features are introduced to help Web application authors, new eleme
- HTML5+实现网页版【捕鱼达人游戏】,还行吧,使用HTML+js(HTML5+ implementation of web page [fishing game])
- web/html5调用摄像头实现二维码扫描; java扩展使用说明 该解析过程需要java环境支持,jar包启动后在本机的20147端口接受socket监听,因此网络编程语言都可以调用。 1 命令行启动jar包 java -jar xxxxx.jar 启动成功应该能看到20147端口的应用 2服务socket调用 暂提供php调用代码(Web/html5 calls the camera to realize the two-dimensional code scan. Ja
- Web 开发标准与网页网站必备材料 将详细讲解 Web 开发标准技术的基本知识,为读者步入本书后 面知识的学习打下基础。(Web development standards and web site must-have materials. The basic knowledge of Web development standard technologies will be explained in detail, which will lay the foundation for re
- 非常完整的网页设计公司网站模板,蓝色风格自适应手机端的html5响应式网站建设建站网络公司网站模板整站html源码下载。(Very complete web site design company website template, blue style self-adaptive mobile phone terminal HTML5 response website construction site network company website template complete sta
- H5中 启动摄像头拍照,短小精悍,功能简单实用,可移植到web项目中(H5 camera to start a camera, short and small,The function is simple and practical, and can be transplanted into the web project.)