- Interverse Project - The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and cont
- uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/os-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products
- 本实习模拟在单处理器环境下的处理器调度,加深了解处理器调度的工作,设计一个按时间片轮转法实现处理器调度的程序。-the attachment to the single-processor simulation environment processor scheduling, a better understanding of the processor scheduling, design a web tablet by the time Method processor schedulin
- 操作系统实验-采用时间片轮转算法实现进程创建和调度-os experiment - time unit used web algorithm process creation and scheduling
- If you port µ C/os-II to a processor not listed and want to include your port on this web site, please contact Micrium at Jean.Labrosse@Micrium.com. Note that the ports are provided as is with the exeption of the Micrium ports which are supporte
- 操作系统 线程的调度根据时间片轮转和消息缓冲区的通信-os thread scheduling time-based web news and communications buffer
- AdventNet SNMP API为基于SNMP的网络管理应用提供了一个全面的开发工具包。AdventNet的SNMP栈包含一系列强大的Java SNMP库,用来为监控和跟踪网络元素创建实时的应用程序,这些应用程序是可靠的、可伸展的且独立于os的。 开发人员可以利用AdventNet的SNMP库来创建独立的、基于web的和分布式(EJB、CORBA或RMI)基于SNMP的网络管理应用程序。Java SNMP库除了提供基本的SNMP操作,如:SNMP GET、SNMP GETNEXT、
- Plastico是一个多媒体控制台的前端,用于游戏,DVD重放,web浏览,email,音乐以及更多。现在它在Win32系统中运行,在后一阶段中我将把这个GUI和一个开源os相结合-Plastico is a front-end multimedia console for games, DVD playback, web browsing, email, music and more. Now it Win32 operating system, at a later stage, I wil
- 基于LPC2103结合μC/os-II操作系统的实时时钟系统设计,能够实现年月日时分秒的位闪动修改与掉电保持功能,是本人学习ARM与μC/os的终极之作,为感谢联合程序员开发网上各位程序员所提供的源码,特此奉上。。,LPC2103 based on combination of μC/os-II real-time clock operating system design, to achieve accurate date when the modified bit flashing and
- UC Browser是优视科技(原UCweb公司)开发的一款手机浏览器,支持web,WAP页面浏览,速度快而稳定,具有视频播放,网站导航,搜索,下载,个人数据管理等功能,您能随时随地通过UC浏览器进行无线冲浪:编辑个人博客,登录网络社区,收发电子邮件,订阅热点RSS…将互联网装进口袋,享受高质移动生活,产品适用Symbian.Windows.Java.Linux.MTK.Brew.iPhone等手机os平台,是全球适配平台最多的手机浏览器.-UC Browser是优视科技(原UCweb公司)开发
- EmbeddedWB 14.70.0 支持:D5~XE Delphi第三方控件EmbeddedWB,这是一个不错的浏览器控件,比Delphi自带的webbrowser要强悍 -EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and progr
- TCP/IP 协议栈成功的在S3C44B0X 的实现。我从网上下的所谓在44b0x上运行的tcpip程序其实都是不能运行的,包括LWIP在44b0x代码。这个是我自己根据下载的代码经过努力的修改和调试得到的,程序稳定,TCP UDP ICMP web都得到很好的实现。os是UCos-II.程序包里面有详细的程序演示说明-TCP/IP protocol stack S3C44B0X successfully realized. I am from the Internet under the so
- 这是我所见过的最好看的网页窗口/对话框程序,它实现于标准的HTML页面,实现语言是Javascr ipt。你可以把它用到ASP.NET,AJAX,Java等等所有网页上,支持的功能有:可以改变窗口大小、支持最小化、最大化窗口、模型对话框、渐入渐出的渐变效果,支持皮肤等等功能。现有的实例包括:模仿MAC os的对话框,在对话框中打开一个网页,警告框,确认对话框,信息对话框,登录对话框,AJAX对话框等等。-This is the best I have ever seen the page to
- C51 串口源码,在os操作系统下的数据网关,实现RS232转RJ45-C51串口程序
- 完全基于 asp.net 2.0 ajax 开发的新一代网站管理系统, 完全web2.0的CMS系统, 全球第一款采用web os方式管理网站的创时代性CMS系统. -Asp.net 2.0 ajax based entirely on the development of a new generation of web site management system, fully web2.0 the CMS system, the world' s first web site us
- web os Operating System using Sliverlight
- palm的开发基础.主要是web os的,入门框架.-the development of palm based. mainly web os, the entry frame.
Halice Free website Template from os Templates
- html 5 css web template for beginers
- ElFinder is a web based file manager, inspired by the Finder os X Mac program.
- Phpprobe probes are used to detect web running environment, PHP information, view server IP address, server hard disk resource, memory occupation, CPU and other information. Support Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, os, X platforms.