- 完善网络结构将RBF网络的径向基换成小波函数,调整权值以及公式的变更, 可望在仿真结构中添加非奇异项以验证小波网络的辨识精度和能力,输入层加权值进行调整~..~-to improve the network structure of the RBF network replaced wavelet Radial Basis Functions, value and the right to adjust the formula change, the simulation structure
- 此方法可以实现空间加权的复杂网络的相关图形的仿真-this method can achieve space weighted complex network of related graphics simulation
- 这是加权网络中权重均匀分布,节点强度幂率分布的模型,可以画出度分步,强度分布图。,This is a weighted network, evenly distributed weight, power-law distribution of node strength of the model, you can draw the distribution of degrees and strength
- 这是加权网络中节点强度和权重都是均匀分布的模型。,This is a node-weighted network strength and weight of the model are uniformly distributed.
- 题目:编制一个求出网中最短路径的程序. 问题描述:计算一个有向网中位置为0 的点到其余各顶点的最短路径,以一个网状的带权有向图G6为测试内容 -Topic: establishment of a network to derive the shortest path procedure. Problem Descr iption: Calculate a network location to the point of 0 to the remaining vertex of the s
- 本文讨论了神经网络PID控制策略,提出了一种单神经元自适应PID控制器,给出了控制模型,探讨了单神经元自适应PID控制学习算法,通过修改神经元控制器连接加权系数 ,构成了自适应PID控制器。利用神经网络的自学习能力进行PID控制参数的在线整定,并使用了MATLAB软件进行了仿真研究。比较传统PID控制器与单神经元自适应PID控制器两者的仿真结果表明,神经网络PID控制器参数调节简单,具有很高的精度和很强的适应性,可以获得满意的控制效果。-This paper discusses the nerv
- ADIAL Basis Function (RBF) networks were introduced into the neural network literature by Broomhead and Lowe [1], which are motivated by observation on the local response in biologic neurons. Due to their better approximation capabilities, si
- Image thresholding has played an important role in image segmentation. In this paper, we present a novel spatially weighted fuzzy c-means (SWFCM) clustering algorithm for image thresholding. The algorithm is formulated by incorporating the spatial ne
- 这是加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型。-This is a node-weighted network strength and weight distribution are the model of power.
- 该文件中有大量有关无线传感器网络方面的相关论文,有加权组合三边气体源定位算法、分布式射频干涉定位法、以及人工神经网络定位等方面的论文。希望对研究无线传感器网络的朋友们有所帮助。-The document contains a lot of information related to wireless sensor networks, papers, there is a weighted combination of the trilateral gas source localization
- NP是美国匹兹堡大学的T.L.Saaty 教授于1996年提出了一种适应非独立的递阶层次结构的决策方法,它是在网络分析法(AHP)基础上发展而形成的一种新的实用决策方法。其关键步骤有以下几个: 1 确定因素,并建立网络层和控制层模型。 2 创建比较矩阵。 3 按照指标类型针对每列进行规范化。 4 求出每个比较矩阵的最大特征值和对应的特征向量。 5 一致性检验。如果不满足,则调整相应的比较矩阵中的元素。 6 将各个特征向量单位化(归一化)
- c++ Wireless communication network Weighted fair Q-c++ Wireless communication network Weighted fair Queue
- KRUSCAL算法实现演示程序,利用KRUSCAL算法求网的最小生成树,网中的节点和边由系统自动生成,图为带权图。-KRUSCAL algorithm demo program, using KRUSCAL minimum spanning tree algorithm to solve network, network nodes and edges generated automatically by the system, photo shows a weighted graph.
- In a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), the traffic is aggregated and forwarded towards the gateways. Strategically placing and connecting the gateways to the wired backbone is critical to the management and efficient operation of a WMN. In thi
- 加权网络的源代码,对于研究复杂网络模型很有用,可以参考哈^_^-BBV model-weighted network strength and weight distribution are the model of power.
- 复杂网络中最经典的BA无标度网络模型matlab源程序并且有求解度的论文说明-This is papers-weighted network strength and weight distribution are the model of power.
- 求连接矩阵各节点的度,度分布,以及有向加权网络的中介中心性-Demand given a network connection to the matrix of weighted out-degree of each node
- 网络将输入模式加权求和、与门限比较、再进行非线性运算,得到网络的输出-The network will be weighted sum input mode, compared with the threshold, then a nonlinear operator to get the output of the network
- 该代码是生成加权无标度网络边权演化模型的matlab源代码。-This code is to generate weighted scale-free network evolution model of matlab code.
- 1)存储城镇点。 2)建立城镇带权网络。 3)生成城镇地图存储网。 将以有道路在城镇地图中默认零距离。 -1) storage town points. 2) Establishment of the weighted network. 3) Generate town map storage network. There will be a default distance in urban road map