- Nate Robins教程之Processing of user input Win32 Messages and Menus allow for processing of user input. Methods for intercepting and responding to messages as well as methods for using menus is presented below.-Nate Robins Guide Zhi Processing of user
- Example program to demonstrate printing using Win32 API.-Example program to demonstrate printing u sing Win32 API.
- Enclosed in this distribution are four projects: MD5DLLTest: Visual basic project which runs the MD5 test suite against a MD5 DLL (see below). VbMD5: A Visual Basic native MD5 message digest class based on the RSA reference impl
- The ffmpeg in windows mobiles 6.0 pocket pc source code, add safe decode function, biulding no error warning in VC 2008.If u still want a using example,please search key word \"h264_ffmpeg049pre\" in this site, that is a win32 mfc using example, us
- 该工程是从ecos嵌入式系统下移植过来的一个小型的fat16文件系统,让他在win32下可以运行,来测试其正确性,改工程可以很好的移植到其他嵌入式平台上,比如手机,手提电脑平台上,其小巧实用行应该有一定的商业价值。 拜托斑竹给号了。- This project is inserts a small fat16 filing system from ecos which under the type system transplants, enables him to be allowed to
- win32 编程有利的助手,共享给大家。希望对大家有所帮助-win32 programming favorable assistant to the U.S. share. Would like to help everyone
- [简介] 名称: 《拼图》-附源代码 (代码行数:747 注释行数:164) 开发环境:WinXp+VC.Net2005+Win32 API 作者:mj 联系方式:mj055@yahoo.cn [拼图] 鼠标操作,有音效 游戏玩法仿文曲星上拼图游戏,每次只能用空白方块与左右相邻的数字方块对换, 当排列成1 2 3 则游戏胜利 4 5 6 7 8 [说明] 1.游戏引擎代码参考[美]Michael Mor
- 控制IIS,SERV-U以及SQL 2000,目录创建的虚拟主机建站系统,使用win32 API接口来实现所有内容-Control of IIS, SERV-U, as well as SQL 2000, create a virtual directory host system, use the win32 API interfaces to achieve all the elements of
- UDT(UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol,简称UDT)是一种互联网数据传输协议。UDT建于UDP之上,并引入新的拥塞控制和数据可靠性控制机制。UDT是面向连接的双向的应用层协议。它同时支持可靠的数据流传输和部分可靠的数据报传输。 - UDT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications ove
- This file is one of helpful tool when u r doing work on debug of ur program if u r a win32 application develper. Using TRACE macro or OutputDebugString function is listing the string at DebugView when u want or u consider.
- UDP可靠传输源码:udt.sdk.4.2.win32-UDP reliable transmission source code: udt.sdk.4.2.win32
- 歡迎 SocksSvc,集合的MFC類實現一個簡單的襪子服務器。 這個想法最初背後 SocksSvc了解SOCKS協議以及它是如何實現在Win32。 如需了解有關議定書的襪子你應該閱讀 RFC 1928(襪子 5),玫瑰花1929(用戶名/密碼身份驗證襪子 5)和襪子 4規格,您可以下載這些從 www.socks.permeo.com huān yíng SocksSvc, jí hé deMFC lèi shí xiàn yī gè jiǎn dān de w
- 自己用WIN32汇编写的一个U盘小偷类的小程序,文件非常小,占用资源只有1K多点,还增加了自启动功能,需要的话可以自己改源码可以偷到任意扩展名的文件-WIN32 compilation of his writing with a small U disk thief class programs, files, very small, occupying only 1K more resources, but also increased self-start, if required, can
- MsgList installation: Command: MsgListerApp /i Run from an elevated command prompt. Uninstallation: Command: MsgListerApp /u Removes the service and deletes the previously installed MsgLister.sys. Active System Hook
- Win32控制台应用程序 编译环境:Visual Studio 2005 主要功能: 1). 读取U盘序列号,保存在USBSerial数组里。 2). 验证 第一次运行程序读取U盘序列号存放在 C:\Windows\system32\USBSerial.dat文件中 以后运行检验读取到的U盘序列号与保存在文件中的是否一致,若相同,置 gTag 为1 若不一致,置 gTag 为0 -Win32 console application Compile enviro
- APPFACE一个不错的VC界面美化组件。- AppFace Trial Service AppFace is a powerful and easy-to-use skin engine for VC,VB6,Delphi,BCB,Pure Basic,Win32 SDK,VB.Net and C# projects . The trial service allows you load AppFace powerful URF skin successfully wi
- A small header file which allows u to create a win32 window easily
- fatfs win32 根据官网修改,默认挂载第二个硬盘,需电脑上u盘或者sd启动操作,方便fatfs系统学习-Fatfs win32 website according to modify, the default mount a second hard drive, to computer u disk or sd start operation, convenient fatfs system study
- 恶意代码,WIN32运行,运行后双击程序,再插入U盘可以实现不停的自我辅助-Malicious code, WIN32 run, run after double click the program, and then insert the U disk can be achieved without stopping
- 是一款人性化、设计专业、操作简便,在 Win32(64)、WinPE、DOS下对任意分区进行一键备份、恢复的绿色无污程序,支持ISO文件、光盘、U盘里的GHO文件硬盘安装。(It is a humanized, design professional, easy to operate, under Win32 (64), WinPE, DOS, for any partition, one key backup and recovery of the green pollution-free p