- 《Wireless Communications and Networking》(《无线通信和网络》)配套MATLAB源码。该书涵盖了第一、二、和三代蜂窝通信系统从物理层到网络层的关键特性。-"Wireless Communications and Networking "(" wireless communications and networks ") supporting MATLAB source. The book covers the firs
- 一个简单的蜂窝无线通信系统建模与仿真,含课件-a simple cellular wireless communications system modeling and simulation, including courseware
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is different than the Cellular Networks as I mentioned earlier. A WSN is composed of a large number of sensor nodes that communicate using a wireless medium (air). The sensor nodes are deployed randomly in the envir
- MIMO-OFDM is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). This book provides a
- 一个简单的蜂窝无线通信系统建模与仿真。里有相关文档介绍 和 程序。-A simple cellular wireless communication system modeling and simulation. Described in relevant documentation and procedures.
- 手机基本原理: ETACS、GSM蜂窝手机是一个工作在双工状态下的收发信机。一部移动电话包括无线接收机(Receiver)、发射机(Transmitter)、控制模块(Controller)及人机界面部分(Interface)和电源(Power Supply)。-The basic principles of mobile phones: ETACS, GSM cellular phone is a work in the duplex state of the transceiver. A m
- 把地理区域分成一个个小区,蜂窝系统在该区域内提供无线覆盖。把可用的频谱分成很多信道,每个小区分配一组信道。使用频分双工(FDD)。在小区间进行频率利用,N个小区构成一个簇,簇间进行频率复用。定义了传播特性(信道参数)以及同频小区的位置。信道的参数包括:小区半径,路径损耗指数,以分贝为单位的对数正态阴影的标准差,基站发射功率级,移动台发射功率级,每个小区的扇区数,扇区化天线的正反向比,要仿真的瞬时位置的组数,同频干扰阈值。-To a geographical area is divided int
- 一个cdma2000的系统仿真器,附英文手册-The cdma2000-UV Simulator estimates the performance of data transmissions at the physical layer of the mobile communications technology cdma2000 1X. These wireless data transmissions enable the communication between mobile
- This a MATLAB GUI that will calculate cellular wireless traffic in a given area and draw suggested locations for every transmitting location-This is a MATLAB GUI that will calculate cellular wireless traffic in a given area and draw suggested locatio
- 上载了蜂窝网3种经典的无线定位算法,即fang算法、chan算法、taylor算法,大家相互交流学习。-Uploaded three kinds of classical cellular wireless location algorithm, that is, fang algorithm, chan algorithm, taylor algorithm, we share their knowledge with each other.
- 上载蜂窝网无线定位遗传算法,希望大家相互交流学习。-Upload cellular wireless location genetic algorithm, hope that we learn from mutual exchanges.
- Impementation code for CAC for NGMN ========================= This code simulates the operation of a wireless cellular system -Impementation code for CAC for NGMN ========================= This code simulates the operation of a wire
- Impementation code for CAC for NGMN ========================= This code simulates the operation of a wireless cellular system - Impementation code for CAC for NGMN ========================= This code simulates the operation of a
- Cellular Radio History and Development
- 日本科学家奥村通过对城市进行大量无线电波传播损耗的测量,得出了一系列经验曲线用于无线蜂窝网络的规划设计。在这些经验曲线的基础上,推出了简化的Hata模型。-Olympic Village by Japanese scientists a great deal of radio waves in urban propagation loss measurement, the experience curve obtained for a series of planning and design
- 无线通信系统仿真,对基站的设置,SIR的仿真,环绕法等-Wireless communication system simulation of the cell sites set up and location
- 蜂窝无线定位算法,内涵FANG,CHAN,LS,SX算法,其中initial文件的功能是生成基站坐标、TDMA等原始数据-Cellular localization algorithm function of connotation FANG CHAN, LS, SX algorithm, which initial document is to generate a base station coordinates, TDMA and other raw data
HATA Model
- HATA Model MATLAB Simulation In wireless communication, the Hata Model for Urban Areas, also known as the Okumura-Hata model for being a developed version of the Okumura Model, is the most widely used radio frequency propagation model for predicting
- 蜂窝无线通信系统的仿真,包括单小区和多小区等。-Cellular wireless communication system simulation, including single-cell and multi-cell and so on.
Wireless Communications-Goldsmith(英文版2)
- 英文版,《无线通信》重点论述当前各类无线通信系统中具有普遍性和代表性的基本知识,包括基本的理论、问题、设计思路和分析方法。全书内容包括无线信道模型、无线信道容量、无线通信中的调制编码技术及均衡处理技术、扩频通信,还包括多天线系统、多用户系统、多载波调制、自适应调制与编码、蜂窝系统及无线自组织网络等。书中每部分内容的讲述都有全新的视角和独特的处理方法,并配合丰富的图示、例题和习题。(goldsmith "Wireless Communication" focuses on t