- 新功能思路(简单利用了全屏钩子的原理,在结合一些东西写成的. 稳定性一般.值得借鉴)-New ideas (simple principle of using the full-screen hook, in combination with something written. Stability in general. Worth learning)
- 基于vc++,该程序会自动开机启动,运行后会全屏,屏蔽鼠标和键盘操作,但是按下F2键可退出,属于钩子程序-Based on vc++, the program will automatically boot and run after full-screen, mouse and keyboard screen, but pressing the F2 key to exit, is the hook program
- 利用熊猫烧香图片做的一个全屏钩子例子,按F2退出。-Panda burn incense and make use of a full-screen picture hook example, according to exit F2.
- 截图软件,有快捷键功能,可以调用系统画图和照片查看器进行编辑和查看。全屏截图,选择截图,快捷键用钩子实现,对于初学编程的人比较有用。-Screenshot of the software, there are shortcut keys function, you can call the system drawing and photo viewer for editing and viewing. Full-screen screenshot, select shots, sho
基于API的VB HOOK钩子拦截程序
- 一个由VB制作的全屏钩子,可以用来连接键盘,用于游戏机器人,而不用于浏览器中的坏东西。(A full screen hook made by VB can be used to connect the keyboard to game robots, not for bad things in the browser.)