- *支付宝接口.net C#
- *招聘的内部资料,内有各个岗位的试题,并带有详细的解答,(Alibaba recruitment of internal information, there are detailed answers)
- 阿里大于.net接口(Ali is greater than the.Net interface)(Ali is greater than the.Net interface)
- 阿里云UI设计,HTML全部源码,良心之作(Ali cloud UI design, HTML all source code)
* Java 开发手册 v1.2.0
- 《* Java 开发手册》是*集团技术团队的集体经验总结,经历了 多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善,反馈给广大开发者。现代软件行业的高速 发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程知识点,其它维度的知识点 也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。("Alibaba Java development manual" is a collective experience summary of Alibaba group technical team, expe
- “双11”,诞生与杭州,成长与阿里,风行与互联网,成就于新经济,贡献于全世界。本书是迄今唯一由*集团官方出品,全面阐述双11八年依赖在技术和商业上演进和创新历程的书籍("Double 11" was born with Hangzhou, growing up with ALI, popular with the Internet, achievements in the new economy, contribute to the whole world. This
- *java开发手册,参考学习规范写程序习惯(t he document about Alibaba)
- MVC 阿里支付源码,实时到账,私人账户转账(MVC Ali payment source, real time to account, private account transfer)
- 阿里小智appg;豆浆机app;app控制豆浆机设备控制智能设备(Ali Kathleen appg; Soybean Milk app Ali appg Soybean Milk Kathleen; app; app control Soybean Milk machine intelligent control device)
*Java开发手册 v1.2.0
- 《*Java开发手册》是*集团技术团队的集体经验总结,经历了多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善,反馈给广大开发者。现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程知识点,其它维度的知识点也会影响到软件的最终交付质量("The Alibaba Java development manual" is a summary of the collective experience of the Alibaba group's technical te
- 国际阿里云key对接远控控制机器,对接api(International Ali cloud key docking remote control machine, API docking)
- 《阿里技术参考图册》(算法篇)pdf 书籍(Ali Technical Reference Atlas (algorithm) pdf books.)
- 《阿里技术参考图册》(研发篇)pdf 书籍("Ali Technical reference Atlas" (R & D articles / pdf Books))
- *开发手册,用于规范代码........(Alibaba Development Manual)
- *玩转海量音视频云存储.pdf资料介绍(Alibaba play mass audio and video cloud storage)
- 自动登录阿里妈妈,保持长时间在线!掉线自动重登(Automatically log in to Ali Mama, keep on line for a long time! Drop off automatically)
- 对接阿里云的api,可实现开关机以及重装系统等操作,带管理后台(Docking Ali cloud API, switch machine and reinstall system can be implemented, with management background.)
阿里云IoTBC26使用MQTT方式接入Link Develop V0.1
- 阿里云IoTBC26使用 MQTT方式接入Link Develop V0.1(Aliyun IoTBC26 accesses Link Develop V0.1 using MQTT)
- php实现阿里云视频点播的功能,已经写成一个类,直接看方法调用类的方法即可,研究了很长时间(Realize the function of alicloud video on demand)
STM32 W5500_阿里云MQTT
- stm32 w5500 mqtt 连接阿里云物联网服务器(Stm32 w5500 mqtt connects to Alibaba cloud Internet of things server)