- 在 AMES i m环境下建立了立柱用安全阀的仿真模型并进行仿真,得出了立柱在顶板快速下沉时, 安全阀溢流时阀芯的运动曲线和阀口的压力及流量曲线。通过分析仿真结果可知适当增加弹簧的刚度,可减小阀芯的振荡, 实现安全阀的动态特性优化。-Abstrac t : In t he AMESi m env ironment , this arti c le estab lish the si m ulati on m ode l of pressure re lief v alve by the co
- This gridlib collection has arisen decades of application programming at NASA Ames Research Center involving (mostly) structured grids in 2- and 3-space, including many utilities for generating grid point distributions along a line or curve. Of
- This gridlib collection has arisen decades of application programming at NASA Ames Research Center involving (mostly) structured grids in 2- and 3-space, including many utilities for generating grid point distributions along a line or curve. Of