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- 甘特图(Gantt chart )又叫横道图、条状图(Bar chart)。它是以图示的方式通过活动列表和时间刻度形象地表示出任何特定项目的活动顺序与持续时间。 Ext Gantt甘特图(asp.net版)是基于Extjs核心库的开发的,基于WEB浏览器的甘特图解决方案。可应用于项目管理系统、生产执行系统(MES)、资源管理 系统(ERP)或其它的任务资源分配相关领域的应用程序的。Ext Gantt甘特图完全兼容Extjs语法,熟悉Extjs可以轻易上手。 Ext Gantt
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- 龙博甘特图控件(Web版)源码 特图(Gantt chart )又叫横道图、条状图(Bar chart)。它是以图示的方式通过活动列表和时间刻度形象地表示出任何特定项目的活动顺序与持续时间。 Ext Gantt甘特图是基于Extjs核心库的开发的,基于WEB浏览器的甘特图解决方案。可应用于项目管理系统、 生产执行系统(MES)、资源管理 系统(ERP)或其它的任务资源分配相关领域的应用程序的。Ext Gantt甘特图完全兼容Extjs语法,熟悉Extjs可以轻易上手。 Ext Gantt甘特
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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asp.net ERP管理系统实例
- asp.net ERP管理系统实例 网络搜集整理,希望对大家有所帮助(An example of asp.net ERP management system The network collects and collects, hoping to help people)
- .net版本经典ERP管理系统完整源码,可直接二开(NET version of the classic ERP management system complete source code, can be directly two open)