- 我最近的毕设,socket通讯程序,改进了传输停止部分,能够实现文件的传输,是对上一次的改进,这个程序我还会不断的改进-Recently, I set up the BI, socket communication procedures, improving the transmission stopped, to achieve the transfer document, the last improvement of this process I will keep improving
- 一、 Seidel迭代法 算法8.2: 1. 输入矩阵A,右端项b ,初始迭代向量 X(0) ,维数n,容许误差ε ,最大容许迭代次数 N。 2. 置k=1. 3. 计算 X1=(b1-Σa1jxj(0))/a11 j=2,3,…….,n Xi=(bi-Σaijxj-Σaijxj(0))/aii, i=2,3,……,n-1 Xn=(bn-Σanjxj)/ann j=1,2,…….,n-1 4.若||X-X(0)|| <ε,输出X , 停机;否则,转步骤5。
- M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine carrier is configured and the
- M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine carrier is configured and the
- Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this motion into a forward and backward whil orbits. The current function makes use of two sensors to generate a bi-directional spectrogram. The method can b
- a tool convert black/white resource as a bitmap format and save into file-a tool convert black / white resource as a bi tmap format and save into file
- BIOSIS Previews 3.0 BIOSIS Previews 3.0 BIOSIS Previews 3.0-BIOSIS Previews 3.0 BI OSIS Previews 3.0 BIOSIS Previews 3.0
- 中兴很多年的笔试题目,找工作还是很有帮助的-zhong xing bi shi ti mu
- 华为很多年的面试以及笔试的题目,最找工作还是很有用-hua wei mian shi yi ji bi shi ti mu
- 中国移动笔试以及面试题目,以及面试指南,对于想进移动有帮助-zhong guo yi dong bi shi mian shi ti mu
- 在Windows环境下用visual C++实现双三次Bezier曲面算法的编程-In the Windows environment using visual C++ to achieve bi-cubic Bezier surface programming algorithm
- BI中的ID3,和C4.5算法的C++具体实现-BI in the ID3, and C4.5 algorithms C++ concrete realization
- Power BI DEMO ,仪表盘,地图信息-Power BI DEMO ,仪表盘,地图信息
- 非农大数据时候、使用这个双向挂单策略实现盈利、实盘应用,你可以拿来免费使用-Large non-farm data when using this strategy profitable bi-pending, firm application, you can bring free use
Verification of model of bi-directional SW
- Verification of model of bi-directional switch in context of evaluation of its losses
- you can edit user bi platforms
SAP BusinessObjects BI 自定义指南
- it is a document for sap bi
- it is a document for sap bi platform
1.1Power BI系列组件介绍
- 通过Microsoft Power BI 的交互式数据可视化 BI 工具,以全新方式查看公司数据。 PowerBI系统组件介绍。(Introduction of PowerBI system components)
Th?ng kê thi?t b? 2
- thong ke thiet bi 1