- LAPACK的C++实现,提供了全面的BLAS接口。
- 基于C++编程的多线程的多波前稀疏矩阵的QR分解,Timothy A. Davis编写-SuiteSparseQR is an implementation of the multifrontal sparse QR factorization method. Parallelism is exploited both in the BLAS and across different frontal matrices using Intel s Threading Building Blocks
- Contains the SLICOT Library source files and related example and documentation files for Windows platforms. General information The subroutine library SLICOT provides Fortran 77 implementations of numerical algorithms for computations in sy
- 线形代数程序包 Fortran常用算法程序集-7 and build with egcs. BLAS manual pages are available in the blas-man package. 8E汢ftg11.lbl.gov a癠niversity of Notre Dame Freely distributable Andrew Lumsdaine Development/Libraries http://www.netlib.org/lapack/ Linux
- Contains the SLICOT Library source files and related example and documentation files for Unix platforms. General information The subroutine library SLICOT provides Fortran 77 implementations of numerical algorithms for computations in syste
- This a package containing sparse matrix operations like multiplication, addition, Cholesky and LDLT decompositions and so on. I started developing it because I needed a simple, easy to use, efficient library, that did not have any external dependenci
- 基础线性代数程序集.是一个应用程序接口(API)标准,用以规范发布基础线性代数操作的数值库数学工具-A high quality "building block" routines for performing basic vector and matrix operations.
- 该静态库是从superLU开源官网上下载的程序包经过visual stdio 2008编译生成的,顺利通过了4000个未知数稀疏矩阵的求解。在visual stdio 2008平台下均能使用,生成的库文件(.lib)均在debug文件夹下。-The static library is open from superLU official website to download the package through visual stdio 2008 compiled, passed the 4
- Clapack LAPACK是用Fortran编写的算法库,顾名思义,Linear Algebra PACKage,是为了解决通用的线性代数问题的。另外必须要提的算法包是BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms),其实LAPACK底层是使用了BLAS库的。(clapack Linear Algebra PACKage Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)